

Contains information used in handling $HDN_GETDISPINFO notification messages

Global Const $tagNMHDDISPINFO = "hwnd WndFrom;int IDFrom;int Code;int Item;int Mask;ptr Text;int TextMax;int Image;int lParam"



WndFrom Window handle to the control sending a message
IDFrom Identifier of the control sending a message
Code Notification code
Item Zero based index of the item in the header control
Mask Set of bit flags specifying which members of the structure must be filled in by the owner of the
control. This value can be a combination of the following values:
$HDI_TEXT - The Text field must be filled in
$HDI_IMAGE - The Image field must be filled in
$HDI_LPARAM - The lParam field must be filled in
$HDI_DI_SETITEM - A return value. Indicates that the control should store the item information and not ask
for it again.
Text Pointer to a null terminated string containing the text that will be displayed for the header item
TextMax Size of the buffer that Text points to
Image Zero based index of an image within the image list. The specified image will be displayed with the
header item, but it does not take the place of the item's bitmap. If iImage is set to $I_IMAGECALLBACK, the
control requests image information for this item by using an $HDN_GETDISPINFO notification message.
lParam An application-defined value to associate with the item




