

Contains information about an $LVN_GETDISPINFO or $LVN_SETDISPINFO notification message

Global Const $tagNMLVDISPINFO = $tagNMHDR & ";int Mask;int Item;int SubItem;int State;int StateMask;" & _
        "ptr Text;int TextMax;int Image;int Param;int Indent;int GroupID;int Columns;ptr pColumns"



$tagNMHDR Contains information about a notification message
Mask Set of flags that specify which members of this structure contain data to be set or which members
are being requested. This member can have one or more of the following flags set:
$LVIF_COLUMNS - The Columns member is valid
$LVIF_DI_SETITEM - The operating system should store the requested list item information
$LVIF_GROUPID - The GroupID member is valid
$LVIF_IMAGE - The Image member is valid
$LVIF_INDENT - The Indent member is valid
$LVIF_NORECOMPUTE - The control will not generate LVN_GETDISPINFO to retrieve text information
$LVIF_PARAM - The Param member is valid
$LVIF_STATE - The State member is valid
$LVIF_TEXT - The Text member is valid
Item Zero based index of the item to which this structure refers
SubItem One based index of the subitem to which this structure refers
State Indicates the item's state, state image, and overlay image
StateMask Value specifying which bits of the state member will be retrieved or modified
Text Pointer to a string containing the item text
TextMax Number of bytes in the buffer pointed to by Text, including the string terminator
Image Index of the item's icon in the control's image list
Param Value specific to the item
Indent Number of image widths to indent the item
GroupID Identifier of the tile view group that receives the item
Columns Number of tile view columns to display for this item
pColumns Pointer to the array of column indices




