

Copies the EFS metadata from one file or directory to another.

#Include <WinAPIEx.au3>
_WinAPI_DuplicateEncryptionInfoFile ( $sSrcFile, $sDestFile [, $iCreation [, $iAttributes [, $tSecurity]]] )


$sSrcFile The name of the file or directory from which the EFS metadata is to be copied. This source
file or directory must be encrypted.
$sDestFile The name of the file or directory to which the EFS metadata is to be copied. This destination file
or directory does not have to be encrypted before the call to this function. If the source is
a file, this parameter must also specify a file, and likewise for directories.
$iCreation [可选参数] Specifies how the destination file or directory is to be opened. The following are the valid
values of this parameter.

$iAttributes [可选参数] The file attributes of the destination file or directory. The $FILE_READ_ONLY attribute is currently
not processed by this function.
$tSecurity [可选参数] $tagSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies the security attributes of the destination file
or directory, if it does not already exist. If this parameter is 0, the file or directory gets
a default security descriptor. The access-control lists (ACL) in the default security descriptor
for a file or directory are inherited from its parent directory.


成功: 返回 1.
失败: 返回 0 并设置 @error 标志为非 0 值, @extended 标志可能包含一个系统错误代码.


The caller should have the EFS key for the source file or directory, and at least the $READ_ATTRIBUTE ACL for the
source file or directory.

The specified source and destination file or directories should reside on the same computerotherwise,
the function fails.


