尧滚男 发表于 2010-2-20 22:07:25

关于自动安装 更改保存路径的问题

本帖最后由 尧滚男 于 2010-2-20 22:26 编辑

下面的代码编到一半不会编了,小弟初次接触AUTOIT3还望大侠们多多指教,我在线等....等到困了....:face (35):run(sketchup6.0.exe)
WinWaitActive("google sketchup pro 6 - installshield wizard")
ControlClick ( "google sketchup pro 6 - installshield wizard", "next(&N)>", "Button2")
WinWaitActive("google sketchup pro 6 - installshield wizard")
ControlClick( "google sketchup pro 6 - installshield wizard", "i accept the terms of the license agreement(&A)>", "Button5")
ControlClick( "google sketchup pro 6 - installshield wizard", "next(&N)>", "Button2")
WinWaitActive(google sketchup pro 6 - installshield wizard)
ControlClick( "google sketchup pro 6 - installshield wizard", "change(&C)>", "Button3")
WinWaitActive("Choose Folder")
Dim $var,$inifile
$var = ControlGetText("Choose Folder", "path", "Edit1")
想把保存路径改到 D:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6
原来的默认路径是 C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6
补充:如果不用设置常量的方法还有没有别的方法能解决的 请大家别吝啬啊!

水木子 发表于 2010-2-23 22:00:13


去帮助文档翻翻这些函数吧! ControlSetText 、ControlSend

shmilds 发表于 2010-4-24 16:38:45

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