


Global Const $tagGDIPIMAGECODECINFO = "byte CLSID[16];byte FormatID[16];ptr CodecName;ptr DllName;ptr FormatDesc;ptr FileExt;" & _
        "ptr MimeType;dword Flags;dword Version;dword SigCount;dword SigSize;ptr SigPattern;ptr SigMask"



CLSID Codec identifier (GUID structure)
FormatID File format identifier (GUID structure)
CodecName Pointer to a Unicode null terminated string that contains the codec name
DllName Pointer to a Unicode null terminated string that contains the path name of the DLL in which the
codec resides. If the codec is not in a DLL, this pointer is 0.
FormatDesc Pointer to a Unicode null terminated string that contains the name of the file format used by the
FileExt Pointer to a Unicode null terminated string that contains all filename extensions associated with
the codec. The extensions are separated by semicolons.
MimeType Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the mime type of the codec
Flags Combination of $GDIP_ICF flags
Version Indicates the version of the codec
SigCount Indicates the number of signatures used by the file format associated with the codec
SigSize Indicates the number of bytes in each signature
SigPattern Pointer to an array of bytes that contains the pattern for each signature
SigMask Pointer to an array of bytes that contains the mask for each signature




