Contains information about an item in a header control
Global Const $tagHDITEM = "int Mask;int XY;ptr Text;hwnd hBMP;int TextMax;int Fmt;int Param;int Image;int Order;int Type;ptr pFilter;int State"
Mask | Flags indicating which other structure members contain valid data or must be filled in |
XY | Width or height of the item |
Text | Address of Item string |
hBMP | Handle to the item bitmap |
TextMax | Length of the item string |
Fmt | Flags that specify the item's format |
Param | Application-defined item data |
Image | Zero-based index of an image within the image list |
Order | Order in which the item appears within the header control, from left to right |
Type | Type of filter specified by pFilter |
pFilter | Address of an application-defined data item |
State | Item state |