

Contains information about a portion of the format string that defines a callback field within a date and time picker (DTP) control

Global Const $tagNMDATETIMEFORMAT = $tagNMHDR & ";ptr Format;short Year;short Month;short DOW;short Day;" & _
        "short Hour;short Minute;short Second;short MSecond;ptr pDisplay;char Display[64]"



$tagNMHDR Contains information about a notification message
Format Pointer to a null terminated string that defines the control callback field. The string comprises
one or more "X" characters.
Year Year
Month Month
DOW Day of week
Day Day
Hour Hour
Minute Minute
Second Second
MSecond Milliseconds
pDisplay Pointer to a null terminated string that contains the display text of the control. By default, this
is the address of the Display member of this structure. It is acceptable to have pDisplay point to an
existing string. In this case, you don't need to assign a value to Display. However, the string that pDisplay
points to must remain valid until another $DTN_FORMAT notification is sent or until the control is destroyed.
Display 64 character buffer that is to receive the null terminated string that the control will display. It
is not necessary to fill the entire buffer.



It carries the string that defines the callback field and contains a buffer to receive the string that will
be displayed in the callback field. This structure is used with the $DTN_FORMAT notification message.

