Contains information specific to an edit operation that has taken place in the control
Global Const $tagNMDATETIMESTRING = $tagNMHDR & ";ptr UserString;short Year;short Month;short DOW;short Day;" & _
"short Hour;short Minute;short Second;short MSecond;int Flags"
$tagNMHDR | Contains information about a notification message |
UserString | Address of the null terminated string that the user entered |
Year | Year |
Month | Month |
DOW | Day of week |
Day | Day |
Hour | Hour |
Minute | Minute |
Second | Second |
MSecond | Milliseconds |
Flags | Return field. Set this member to $GDT_VALID to indicate that the date is valid or to $GDT_NONE to set the control to "no date" status ($DTS_SHOWNONE style only). |
This message is used with the $DTN_USERSTRING notification message.