

Contains information used in handling various rebar notification messages

Global Const $tagNMREBAR = $tagNMHDR & ";dword dwMask;uint uBand;uint fStyle;uint wID;int lParam"



$tagNMHDR Contains information about a notification message
dwMask Set of flags that define which members of this structure contain valid information. This can be one or more of the following values:
$RBNM_ID - The wID member contains valid information.
$RBNM_LPARAM - The lParam member contains valid information.
$RBNM_STYLE - The fStyle member contains valid information.
uBand Zero-based index of the band affected by the notification. This will be -1 if no band is affected.
fStyle The style of the band. This is one or more of the $RBBS_ styles detailed in the fStyle member of the $tagREBARBANDINFO structure.
This member is only valid if dwMask contains $RBNM_STYLE.
wID Application-defined identifier of the band. This member is only valid if dwMask contains $RBNM_ID.
lParam Application-defined value associated with the band. This member is only valid if dwMask contains $RBNM_LPARAM




