Contains information used to process toolbar notification messages
Global Const $tagNMTOOLBAR = $tagNMHDR & ";int iItem;int iBitmap;int idCommand;" & _
"byte fsState;byte fsStyle;byte bReserved1;byte bReserved2;dword dwData;int iString;int cchText;" & _
"ptr pszText;int Left;int Top;int Right;int Bottom"
$tagNMHDR | Contains information about a notification message |
iItem | Command identifier of the button associated with the notification |
iBitmap | Zero-based index of the button image. If the button is a separator, that is, if fsStyle is set to $BTNS_SEP, iBitmap determines the width of the separator, in pixels |
idCommand | Command identifier associated with the button. This identifier is used in a WM_COMMAND message when the button is chosen |
fsState | Button state flags. This member can be a combination of the values listed in Toolbar Button States |
fsStyle | Button style. This member can be a combination of the button style values listed in Toolbar Control and Button Styles |
bReserved1 | Reserved. Do not use. |
bReserved2 | Reserved. Do not use. |
dwData | Application-defined value |
iString | Zero-based index of the button string, or a pointer to a string buffer that contains text for the button |
cchText | Count of characters in the button text |
pszText | Address of a character buffer that contains the button text |
Left | Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle |
Top | Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle |
Right | Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle |
Bottom | Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle |