

Contains or receives information for a specific button in a toolbar

Global Const $tagTBBUTTONINFO = "int Size;int Mask;int Command;int Image;byte State;byte Style;short CX;int Param;ptr Text;int TextMax"



Size Size of this structure, in bytes
Mask Set of flags that indicate which members contain valid information:
$TBIF_BYINDEX - The Param sent with a $TB_GETBUTTONINFO or $TB_SETBUTTONINFO message is an index
$TBIF_COMMAND - The Command member contains valid information or is being requested
$TBIF_IMAGE - The Image member contains valid information or is being requested
$TBIF_IMAGELABEL - Indicates that ImageLabel should be used
$TBIF_LPARAM - The Param member contains valid information or is being requested
$TBIF_SIZE - The CX member contains valid information or is being requested
$TBIF_STATE - The State member contains valid information or is being requested
$TBIF_STYLE - The Style member contains valid information or is being requested
$TBIF_TEXT - The Text member contains valid information or is being requested
Command Command identifier of the button
Image Image index of the button. Set this member to $I_IMAGECALLBACK, and the toolbar will send the
$TBN_GETDISPINFO notification to retrieve the image index when it is needed. Set this member to $I_IMAGENONE
to indicate that the button does not have an image.
State State flags of the button
Style Style flags of the button
CX Width of the button, in pixels
Param Application defined value associated with the button
Text Address of a character buffer that contains or receives the button text
TextMax Size of the buffer at Text. If the button information is being set, this member is ignored
ImageLabel Provides the ability to replace the text label of an item with an image




