Sets various types of information for a specified access token
#include <Security.au3>
_Security__SetTokenInformation($hToken, $iTokenInformation, $vTokenInformation, $iTokenInformationLength)
$hToken | A handle to the access token for which information is to be set |
$iTokenInformation | The type of information the function sets |
$vTokenInformation | A (pointer to a) structure that contains the information set in the access token |
$iTokenInformationLength | The length, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by $vTokenInformation |
Success: | True |
Failure: | False |
#RequireAdmin ; for this example to have sense
#include <SecurityConstants.au3>
#include <Security.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
Func Example_SeTokInfo()
Local $hProcess = _WinAPI_GetCurrentProcess()
If @error Then Return ; check for possible errors
Local $hToken = _Security__OpenProcessToken($hProcess, $TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS)
; If token is get...
If $hToken Then
; Set Medium Integrity Level for this token.
Local $tSID = _Security__StringSidToSid($SID_MEDIUM_MANDATORY_LEVEL)
; Define TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL structure
Local Const $tTOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL = DllStructCreate("ptr Sid; dword Attributes")
; Fill it with wanted data
DllStructSetData($tTOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL, "Sid", DllStructGetPtr($tSID, 1))
If _Security__SetTokenInformation($hToken, $TOKENINTEGRITYLEVEL, $tTOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL, DllStructGetSize($tTOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL)) Then
; Default IL is $SID_HIGH_MANDATORY_LEVEL, however...
MsgBox(262144, "SetTokenInformation", "$hToken = " & $hToken & @CRLF & "This token have non-default Medium Integrity Level")
; ... Do something with token here ...
; Close the token handle when no longer needed
EndFunc ;==>Example_SeTokInfo