#Include <WinAPIEx.au3>
_WinAPI_CreateDIB ( $iWidth, $iHeight [, $iBitsPerPel [, $tColorTable [, $iColorCount]]] )
$iWidth | 位图像素宽度 |
$iHeight | 位图像素高度. 该值为正数时位图为自下而上且起点在左下角的DIB, 反之为自上而下且起点在左上角. |
$iBitsPerPel | [可选参数] 定义没像素位数及位图中颜色的最大数量 |
$tColorTable | [可选参数] "dword[n]" structure that represents a DIB color table. The number of colors in this table depends on the values of the $iBitsPerPel parameters. |
$iColorCount | [可选参数] The number of color indexes in the DIB color table that are actually used by the bitmap. The value of this parameter should not exceed the number of colors in the color table pointed to by the $pColorTable parameter. |
成功: | 返回DIB句柄 |
失败: | 返回 0并设置@error非0 |