Retrieves file information for the specified file.
#Include <WinAPIEx.au3>
_WinAPI_GetFileInformationByHandle ( $hFile )
$hFile | Handle to the file that contains the information to be retrieved. |
Success | The array containing the following information: |
[0] | The file attributes (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_*). |
[1] | $tagFILETIME structure that specifies when a file or directory is created. |
[2] | $tagFILETIME structure that specifies the last time that a file is read from or written to. |
[3] | $tagFILETIME structure that specifies the last time that a file is written to. |
[4] | The serial number of the volume that contains a file. |
[5] | The file size. |
[6] | The number of links to this file. |
[7] | The unique identifier that is associated with a file. |
失败: | 返回 0 并设置 @error 标志为非 0 值. |
#Include <APIConstants.au3>
#Include <Date.au3>
#Include <WinAPIEx.au3>
Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)
Global $tFILETIME, $hFile, $aInfo
$hFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile(@ScriptFullPath, 2, 0, 6)
$aInfo = _WinAPI_GetFileInformationByHandle($hFile)
If IsArray($aInfo) Then
For $i = 1 To 3
If IsDllStruct($aInfo[$i]) Then
$tFILETIME = _Date_Time_FileTimeToLocalFileTime(DllStructGetPtr($aInfo[$i]))
$aInfo[$i] = _Date_Time_FileTimeToSystemTime(DllStructGetPtr($tFILETIME))
$aInfo[$i] = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($aInfo[$i])
$aInfo[$i] = 'Unknown'
ConsoleWrite('Path: ' & _WinAPI_GetFinalPathNameByHandle($hFile) & @CR)
ConsoleWrite('Attributes: 0x' & Hex($aInfo[0]) & @CR)
ConsoleWrite('Created: ' & $aInfo[1] & @CR)
ConsoleWrite('Accessed: ' & $aInfo[2] & @CR)
ConsoleWrite('Modified: ' & $aInfo[3] & @CR)
ConsoleWrite('Volume serial: ' & $aInfo[4] & @CR)
ConsoleWrite('Size: ' & $aInfo[5] & @CR)
ConsoleWrite('Links: ' & $aInfo[6] & @CR)
ConsoleWrite('ID: ' & $aInfo[7] & @CR)