

Opens the file that matches the specified object identifier.

#Include <WinAPIEx.au3>
_WinAPI_OpenFileById ( $hFile, $ID [, $iAccess [, $iShare [, $iFlags]]] )


$hFile The path or handle to any file on a volume or share on which the file to be opened is stored.
$ID The file identifier (FileID), or $tagGUID structure (ObjectID), or GUID's string representation in the
form "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}" that identifies the file to open.
$iAccess [可选参数] The access to the object. Access can be read, write, or both. If this parameter is 0, the
application can query file and device attributes without accessing a device.


$iShare [可选参数] The sharing mode of an object, which can be read, write, both, or none. If this parameter is 0 and
function succeeds, the object cannot be shared and cannot be opened again until the handle
is closed.

$iFlags [可选参数] The file flags. When _WinAPI_OpenFileById() opens a file, it combines the file flags with existing
file attributes, and ignores any supplied file attributes. This parameter can include any
combination of the following values.



Success Handle to a specified file.
失败: 返回 0 并设置 @error 标志为非 0 值.


When an application is finished using the object handle returned by this function, use the _WinAPI_CloseHandle()
function to close the handle. This not only frees up system resources, but can have wider influence on things
like sharing the file or device and committing data to disk.

本函数需要 Windows Vista 或更高版本系统.





#Include <APIConstants.au3>
#Include <WinAPIEx.au3>

Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)

If _WinAPI_GetVersion() < '6.0' Then
    MsgBox(16, 'Error', 'Require Windows Vista or later.')

Global $tGUID, $sFile, $hFile

; Create temporary file
$sFile = _WinAPI_GetTempFileName(@TempDir)

; Create unique object ID for a file
$tGUID = _WinAPI_CreateObjectID($sFile)

ConsoleWrite('GUID: ' & _WinAPI_StringFromGUID(DllStructGetPtr($tGUID)) & @CR)

; Open file by object ID and retrieve its full path
$hFile = _WinAPI_OpenFileById(_WinAPI_PathStripToRoot(@TempDir), $tGUID, 0, BitOR($FILE_SHARE_DELETE, $FILE_SHARE_READ, $FILE_SHARE_WRITE))
$sFile = _WinAPI_GetFinalPathNameByHandleEx($hFile)

ConsoleWrite('Path: ' & StringRegExpReplace($sFile, '\\+.\\', '') & @CR)

; Delete file