#Include <GuiMenu.au3>
_GUICtrlMenu_AppendMenu($hMenu, $iFlags, $iNewItem, $pNewItem)
$hMenu | 菜单句柄 |
$iFlags | Specifies flags to control the appearance and behavior of the new menu item: $MF_BITMAP - Uses a bitmap as the menu item $MF_CHECKED - Places a check mark next to the menu item. If the application provides check-mark bitmaps, this flag displays the check-mark bitmap next to the menu item. $MF_DISABLED - Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected, but the flag does not gray it. $MF_ENABLED - Enables the menu item so that it can be selected, and restores it from its grayed state. $MF_GRAYED - Disables the menu item and grays it so that it cannot be selected. $MF_MENUBARBREAK - Functions the same as $MF_MENUBREAK for a menu bar. For a drop down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu, the new column is separated from the old column by a vertical line. $MF_MENUBREAK - Places the item on a new line (for a menu bar) or in a new column (for a drop down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu) without separating columns. $MF_OWNERDRAW - Specifies that the item is an owner drawn item. Before the menu is displayed for the first time, the window that owns the menu receives a $WM_MEASUREITEM message to retrieve the width and height of the menu item. The $WM_DRAWITEM message is then sent to the window procedure of the owner window whenever the appearance of the menu item must be updated. $MF_POPUP - Specifies that the menu item opens a drop down menu or submenu. The iNewItem parameter specifies a handle to the drop down menu or submenu. This flag is used to add a menu name to a menu bar, or a menu item that opens a submenu to a drop down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu. $MF_SEPARATOR - Draws a horizontal dividing line. This flag is used only in a drop down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu. The line cannot be grayed, disabled, or highlighted. The pNewItem and iNewItem parameters are ignored. $MF_STRING - Specifies that the menu item is a text string. The pNewItem parameter is a string. $MF_UNCHECKED - Does not place a check mark next to the item. If the application supplies check mark bitmaps, this flag displays the clear bitmap next to the menu item. |
$iNewItem | 指定任一新菜单项的标识符,如果 $iFlags 参数设置为一个弹出式菜单, 则指定下拉菜单或子菜单句柄. |
$pNewItem | 指定新菜单项的内容.该参数设置内容的解释取决于 $iFlags 参数是否包括 $MF_BITMAP, $MF_OWNERDRAW, 或 $MF_STRING 标志: $MF_BITMAP - 包含一个位图句柄 $MF_OWNERDRAW - 包含应用程序提供的值,可用于维护相关菜单项的其他数据 当 $WM_MEASUREITEM or $WM_DRAWITEM 消息发送菜单创建或更新其外观时, 该值所在结构的 ItemData 成员指向 lParam 参数. $MF_STRING - 包含字符串 |
成功: | 返回 True |
失败: | 返回 False |
#include <GuiMenu.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
Func _Main()
Local $hGUI, $hFile, $hEdit, $hHelp, $hMain
Local Enum $idNew = 1000, $idOpen, $idSave, $idExit, $idCut, $idCopy, $idPaste, $idAbout
; 创建 GUI
$hGUI = GUICreate("Menu", 400, 300)
; Create File menu
$hFile = _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu()
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hFile, 0, "&New", $idNew)
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hFile, 1, "&Open", $idOpen)
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hFile, 2, "&Save", $idSave)
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hFile, 3, "", 0)
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hFile, 4, "E&xit", $idExit)
; Create Edit menu
$hEdit = _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu()
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hEdit, 0, "&Cut", $idCut)
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hEdit, 1, "C&opy", $idCopy)
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hEdit, 2, "&Paste", $idPaste)
; Create Help menu
$hHelp = _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu()
; Create Main menu
$hMain = _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu()
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hMain, 0, "&File", 0, $hFile)
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hMain, 1, "&Edit", 0, $hEdit)
_GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem($hMain, 2, "&Help", 0, $hHelp)
; Set window menu
_GUICtrlMenu_SetMenu($hGUI, $hMain)
; Add About menu item
_GUICtrlMenu_AppendMenu($hHelp, $MF_STRING, $idAbout, "&About")
; 循环直到用户退出
EndFunc ;==>_Main