#include <SQLite.au3>
_SQLite_Display2DResult ( $aResult [, $iCellWidth = 0 [, $bReturn = 0 ]] )
$aResult | 要操作的数组 |
$iCellWidth | [可选参数] 指定数据字段的大小 |
$bReturn | [可选参数] 如果为 True, 返回格式化字符串,但不显示 如果为 False, 格式化的字符串发将发送到 StdOut[标准输出设备(默认为控制台)] |
成功: | 无返回或返回格式化字符串 |
失败: | @error = 1 - $aResult 没有数组或有错误尺寸 |
#include <SQLite.au3>
#include <SQLite.dll.au3>
Local $aResult, $iRows, $iColumns, $iRval
If @error Then
MsgBox(16, "SQLite Error", "SQLite.dll Can't be Loaded!")
Exit -1
ConsoleWrite("_SQLite_LibVersion=" & _SQLite_LibVersion() & @CRLF)
_SQLite_Open() ; Open a :memory: database
If @error Then
MsgBox(16, "SQLite Error", "Can't Load Database!")
Exit -1
;Example Table
; Name | Age
; -----------------------
; Alice | 43
; Bob | 28
; Cindy | 21
If Not _SQLite_Exec(-1, "CREATE TEMP TABLE persons (Name, Age);") = $SQLITE_OK Then _
MsgBox(16, "SQLite Error", _SQLite_ErrMsg())
If Not _SQLite_Exec(-1, "INSERT INTO persons VALUES ('Alice','43');") = $SQLITE_OK Then _
MsgBox(16, "SQLite Error", _SQLite_ErrMsg())
If Not _SQLite_Exec(-1, "INSERT INTO persons VALUES ('Bob','28');") = $SQLITE_OK Then _
MsgBox(16, "SQLite Error", _SQLite_ErrMsg())
If Not _SQLite_Exec(-1, "INSERT INTO persons VALUES ('Cindy','21');") = $SQLITE_OK Then _
MsgBox(16, "SQLite Error", _SQLite_ErrMsg())
; Query
$iRval = _SQLite_GetTable2d(-1, "SELECT * FROM persons;", $aResult, $iRows, $iColumns)
If $iRval = $SQLITE_OK Then
;~ $aResult looks like this:
;~ Name Age
;~ Alice 43
;~ Bob 28
;~ Cindy 21
;~ If the dimensions would be switched in _SQLite_GetTable2d the result would look like this:
;~ Name Alice Bob Cindy
;~ Age 43 28 21
MsgBox(16, "SQLite Error: " & $iRval, _SQLite_ErrMsg())