

加载 SQLite3.dll

#include <SQLite.au3>
_SQLite_Startup([$sDll_Filename = "sqlite3.dll" [, $bUTF8ErrorMsg = False [, $bForceLocal = 0 [, $sPrintCallback = __SQLite_ConsoleWrite()]]]])


$sDll_Filename [可选参数] Dll 文件名
$bUTF8ErrorMsg [可选参数] 强制 ConsoleWrite 显示 UTF8 字符
$bForceLocal [可选参数] Forces SQLite to use a local DLL, otherwise the DLL will be downloaded.
$sPrintCallback [可选参数] The string name of a user-defined callback function that is invoked when SQLite needs to display a diagnostic message. See Remarks for more.


成功: 返回 SQLite3.dll 路径
失败: 设置 @error


需要 @ScriptDir 或 @SystemDir 的 SQLite3.dll.

如果 SQLite3.dll.au3 包含 dll,将被创建到 @SystemDir 中.
如果不成功,则创建随 _SQLite_Shutdown() 销毁的临时文件

如果 $bUTF8ErrorMsg 不为 0, 则 UTF8 格式字符串打印到控制台.
如果设置 output.code.page = 65001,允许应用程序为 SCiTE 显示字符 .
这是在 Vista 环境中运行非英语版 SCiTE 的实例(fr).

The $sPrintCallback parameter specifies the name of user-defined callback function. This function will be passed a single parameter which is the message to display. The default callback function is __SQLite_ConsoleWrite(). See that function for an example of how to implement your own callback function.




#include <SQLite.au3>
#include <SQLite.dll.au3>

Local $sSQliteDll
$sSQliteDll = _SQLite_Startup()
If @error Then
    MsgBox(16, "SQLite Error", "SQLite3.dll Can't be Loaded!")
    Exit -1
MsgBox(4096, "SQLite3.dll Loaded", $sSQliteDll)
ConsoleWrite("_SQLite_LibVersion=" & _SQLite_LibVersion() & @CRLF)