AutoIter 发表于 2008-6-11 20:42:29

Dim $Height,$Width
dim $maxresolution
If $maxresolution <> '' Then
If ($Width >= 1600) And ($Height >= 1200) Then MsgBox(0,"",1)
If 1440 <= $Widthand $Width< 1600 And 1080 <= $Height and $Height< 1200 Then MsgBox(0,"",2)
If 1280 <= $Width and $Width < 1440 And 1024 <= $Height and $Height < 1080 Then MsgBox(0,"",3)
If 1024 <= $Width and $Width < 1280 And 768 <= $Height and $Height < 1024 Then MsgBox(0,"",4)
If 800 <= $Width and $Width < 1024 And 600 <= $Height and $Height < 768 Then MsgBox(0,"",5)


卫和谐 发表于 2008-6-13 08:02:05


llztt 发表于 2008-6-13 09:02:09

坛里总有几个人想拿现成的,自己不动脑子,给你指出问题所在, 不去想办法解决, 只想现成的, 怎么互相提高...

卫和谐 发表于 2008-6-13 13:50:17

楼上的,有这功夫,你就告诉怎么写不就完了???:face (33):

dingamao 发表于 2008-6-13 14:08:48

原帖由 卫和谐 于 2008-6-13 13:50 发表
楼上的,有这功夫,你就告诉怎么写不就完了???:face (33):

卫和谐 发表于 2008-6-16 13:57:19


漠北雪~狼 发表于 2008-6-17 04:03:39

Dim $Width=900, $Height=700
If ($Width >= 1600) And ($Height >= 1200) Then MsgBox(0,"",1)
If BitAND($Width >= 1440, $Width < 1600, $Height >= 1080, $Height < 1200) Then MsgBox(0,"",2)
If BitAND($Width >= 1280, $Width < 1440, $Height >= 1024, $Height < 1080) Then MsgBox(0,"",3)
If BitAND($Width >= 1024, $Width < 1280, $Height >= 768, $Height < 1024) Then MsgBox(0,"",4)
If BitAND($Width >= 800, $Width < 1024, $Height >= 600, $Height < 768) Then MsgBox(0,"",5)

[ 本帖最后由 漠北雪~狼 于 2008-6-17 04:11 编辑 ]

卫和谐 发表于 2008-6-20 15:35:53

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查看完整版本: 求两个以上变量进行判断的表达式!