AutoIt v3.3.4.0
AutoIt:Added: Ability to read and write UTF-8 files with no BOM including automatic detection during reading.
Added #682: Removed the 64KB limitation for FileReadLine()
Added: AutoIt scripts using the line continuation character "_" are no longer limited to a combined line length of 4095 characters.
Added: FileRead() returns the number of characters/bytes read in @extended.
Added #1311: MouseGetCursor() returns hand cursor.
Fixed #384: Under certain circumstances the network credentials flag would prevent the process from starting when launched with RunAs() or RunAsWait().
Fixed #1370: StringInStr() would crash with a negative occurrence and start position greater than the string length.
Fixed #1367: Calling GUIDelete() from a GUIRegisterMsg() callback that returns $GUI_RUNDEFMSG would crash AutoIt.
Fixed #1363: FileSetPos() did not work when the origin was the current position.
Fixed #1355: Regression in how unsigned numbers are displayed when returned from DllCall().
Fixed #1396: Crash in DllCallbackGetPtr() with invalid handle.
Fixed #1352: StringSplit() hard crash with binary data.
Fixed #1398: Fixed declaration of $tagPARAFORMAT2 from GuiRichEdit.au3
Removed: The "RAW" reading mode from FileOpen() has been removed.
Removed: InetGet("abort"), @InetGetActive and @InetGetBytesRead have been removed.
Removed: AdlibEnable() and AdlibDisable() have been removed.
Removed: OnAutoItStart and OnAutoItExit have been removed.
Fixed #1327: Some keywords would fail to open correctly in rare cases. 本帖最后由 make2855 于 2010-1-16 02:09 编辑
郁闷 本帖最后由 afan 于 2010-1-16 02:22 编辑
貌似没更新…… 我仅仅只能说:老萧同志辛苦了... 果真够快。还在用3.3.1.1,这个版本不错。期待能够添加更多的运算符号来代替函数。 更新是够快的, 确实迅速 真希望能有个新版本,所有内容同时被汉化,只是因为E文太差了!!! 汉化的还没出来吧 从3.3.3.3 到3.3.4.0跨度有点大,,,呵呵 从3.3.3.3 到3.3.4.0跨度有点大,估计更新了不少东西吧!希望快点出汉化版! 又更新了,请大大们快点出汉化版吧!!! 更新汉化所有内容是个大工程.不是短期内能汉化完的,即使现在汉化完了,估计又要更新版本了. AUTOITCN的坛友能集体施工 估计没啥问题 我今天刚从3.1更新到3.3.3.3,现在就看到3.3.4.0。