本帖最后由 liuyq 于 2010-3-9 13:39 编辑最近要做一个基于imagex的系统恢复工具,希望在恢复win文件时显示恢复进度,昨天用GimageX COM试了半天不行,在论坛求助也没有结果。现又在外国论坛找到了别一段代码
国外论坛地址: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoIt Version:
Author: Bj?rn Kaiser <>
Script Function:
wimgapi.dll wrapper
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; function list
; _WIM_ApplyImage
; _WIM_CaptureImage
; _WIM_CloseHandle
; _WIM_CreateFile
; _WIM_GetImageInformation
; _WIM_LoadImage
; _WIM_SetImageInformation
; _WIM_SetTemporaryPath
; _WIM_Shutdown
; _WIM_Startup
User Calltips:
#region ### START $wim_... constants ###
Global Const $wim_debug = 1
Global Const $wim_dll = @ScriptDir & "\wimgapi.dll"
Global Const $wim_generic_read = 0x80000000
Global Const $wim_generic_write = 0x40000000
Global Const $wim_create_new = 0x00000001
Global Const $wim_create_always = 0x00000002
Global Const $wim_open_existing = 0x00000003
Global Const $wim_open_always = 0x00000004
Global Const $wim_compress_none = 0x00000000
Global Const $wim_compress_xpress = 0x00000001
Global Const $wim_compress_lzx = 0x00000002
Global Const $wim_created_new = 0x00000000
Global Const $wim_opened_existing = 0x00000001
Global Const $wim_flag_reserved = 0x00000001
Global Const $wim_flag_verify = 0x00000002
Global Const $wim_flag_index = 0x00000004
Global Const $wim_flag_no_apply = 0x00000008
Global Const $wim_flag_no_diracl = 0x00000010
Global Const $wim_flag_no_fileacl = 0x00000020
Global Const $wim_flag_share_write = 0x00000040
Global Const $wim_flag_fileinfo = 0x00000080
;~ Urspr?nglich Integer Wert
Global Const $wim_flag_no_rp_fix = 0x00000064
;~ Aufgef?llte Werte
Global Const $wim_reference_append = 0x10000000
Global Const $wim_reference_replace = 0x20000000
;~ --
Global Const $wim_export_allow_duplicates = 0x00000001
Global Const $wim_export_only_resources = 0x00000002
Global Const $wim_export_only_metadata = 0x00000004
Global Const $invalid_callback_value = 0xFFFFFFFF
Global Const $wim_copy_file_retry = 0x1000000
Global Const $wim_msg_success = 0x00000000
Global Const $wim_msg_done = 0xFFFFFFF0
Global Const $wim_msg_skip_error = 0xFFFFFFFE
Global Const $wim_msg_abort_image = 0xFFFFFFFF
Global Const $wim_attribute_normal = 0x00000000
Global Const $wim_attribute_resource_only = 0x00000001
Global Const $wim_attribute_metadata_only = 0x00000002
Global Const $wim_attribute_verify_data = 0x00000004
Global Const $wim_attribute_rp_fix = 0x00000008
Global Const $wim_attribute_spanned = 0x00000010
Global Const $wim_attribute_readonly = 0x00000020
#endregion ### END $wim_... constants ###
Global $g_wimgapi = _WIM_Startup()
; Function Name: _WIM_CreateFile
; Parameter(s): $sPath - Path to the file to read/create
; $iWIM_DesiredAccess - Optional, specify read/write/query access
; default: $wim_generic_read
; $iWIM_CreationDisposition - Optional, specifies how existing files are handled
; default: $wim_open_always
; $iWIM_FlagsAndAttributes - Optional, specifies actions to be taken for the file
; default: $wim_flag_share_write
; $iWIM_CompressionType - Optional, specifies the compression level for a newly created file
; default: $wim_compress_xpress
; $iWIM_CreationResult - Optional, pointer to a variable that receives the creation result
; default: NULL
; Description: Makes a new image file or opens an existing image file.
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s):If the function succeeds, the return value is an open handle
; to the specified image file. If the function fails, the
; return value is NULL.
; @error Value(s): 1 - Error in DLLCall
; User CallTip: _WIM_CreateFile($sPath,[$dWIM_DesiredAccess],[$dWIM_CreationDisposition],[$dWIM_FlagsAndAttributes],[$dWIM_CompressionType],[$lWIM_CreationResult])
; Author(s):
Func _WIM_CreateFile(Const $sPath, Const $WIM_DesiredAccess = 0x80000000, Const $WIM_CreationDisposition = 0x00000004, _
$WIM_FlagsAndAttributes = 0x00000040, $WIM_CompressionType = 0x00000001, $WIM_CreationResult = "NULL")
Local $hWIM, $create
$create = DllCall($g_wimgapi, "int", "WIMCreateFile", "wstr", $sPath, "int", $WIM_DesiredAccess, _
"int", $WIM_CreationDisposition, "int", $WIM_FlagsAndAttributes, "int", $WIM_CompressionType, "int", $WIM_CreationResult)
If @error Then
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_CreateFile error: " & @error & @CRLF)
If $wim_debug Then
ConsoleWrite("_WIM_CreateFile rc: " & $create & @CRLF & _
"UBound $create: " & UBound($create) & @CRLF)
$hWIM = $create
Return $hWIM
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_CreateFile
; Function Name: _WIM_CaptureImage
; Parameter(s): $hWIM - Handle as returned by _WIM_CreateFile
; $sPath - Path to capture
; Description: Captures an image from a directory path and stores it in an
; image file.
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s):If the function succeeds, then the return value is a handle
; to an object representing the volume image. If the function
; fails, then the return value is NULL.
; @error Value(s): 1 - Error in DLLCall
; User CallTip: _WIM_CaptureImage($hWIM,$sPath,[$dWIM_CaptureFlags])
; Author(s):
Func _WIM_CaptureImage(Const $hWIM, Const $sPath, Const $WIM_CaptureFlags = 0x00000002)
Local $capture
$capture = DllCall($g_wimgapi, "int", "WIMCaptureImage", "ptr", $hWIM, "wstr", $sPath, "int", $WIM_CaptureFlags)
If @error Then
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_CaptureImage error: " & @error & @CRLF)
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWrite("_WIM_CaptureImage rc: " & $capture & @CRLF)
Return $capture
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_CaptureImage
; Function Name: _WIM_ApplyImage
; Parameter(s): $hImage - Handle as returned by _WIM_CreateFile or _WIM_CaptureImage
; $sPath - Path to apply the image to
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s):If the function succeeds, then the return value is nonzero.
; If the function fails, then the return value is zero.
; Description: Applies an image to a directory path from a Windows image
; (.wim) file.
; @error Value(s): 1 - Error in DLLCall
; User CallTip: _WIM_ApplyImage($hImage,$sPath,[$dWIM_ApplyFlags])
; Author(s):
Func _WIM_ApplyImage(Const $hImage, Const $sPath, Const $WIM_ApplyFlags = 0x00000004)
Local $apply
$apply = DllCall($g_wimgapi, "int", "WIMApplyImage", "ptr", $hImage, "wstr", $sPath, "int", $wim_flag_index)
If @error Then
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_ApplyImage error: " & @error & @CRLF)
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWrite("_WIM_ApplyImage rc: " & $apply & @CRLF)
Return $apply
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_ApplyImage
; Function Name: _WIM_LoadImage
; Parameter(s): $hWIM - Handle as returned by _WIM_CreateFile
; $dImageIndex - Index of the image to load
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s):If the function succeeds, then the return value is a handle to
; an object representing the volume image. If the function fails,
; then the return value is NULL.
; Description: Loads a volume image from a Windows image (.wim) file
; @error Value(s): 1 - Error in DLLCall
; User CallTip: _WIM_LoadImage($hWIM,$dWIM_ImageIndex)
; Author(s):
Func _WIM_LoadImage(Const $hWIM, Const $WIM_ImageIndex)
Local $load
$load = DllCall($g_wimgapi, "int", "WIMLoadImage", "ptr", $hWIM, "int", $WIM_ImageIndex)
If @error Then
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_LoadImage error: " & @error & @CRLF)
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWrite("_WIM_LoadImage rc: " & $load & @CRLF)
Return $load
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_LoadImage
; Function Name: _WIM_SetTemporaryPath
; Parameter(s): $hWIM - Handle as returned by _WIM_CreateFile
; $sPath - The path where temporary image (.wim) files are to be stored during capture or application.
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s):Returns nonzero if successful or NULL otherwise.
; Description: Sets the location where temporary imaging files are to be stored.
; @error Value(s): 1 - Error in DLLCall
; User CallTip: _WIM_SetTemporaryPath($hWIM,$sPath)
; Author(s):
Func _WIM_SetTemporaryPath(Const $hWIM, Const $sPath)
Local $load
$load = DllCall($g_wimgapi, "int", "WIMSetTemporaryPath", "ptr", $hWIM, "wstr", $sPath)
If @error Then
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_SetTemporaryPath error: " & @error & @CRLF)
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWrite("_WIM_SetTemporaryPath rc: " & $load & @CRLF)
Return $load
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_SetTemporaryPath
; Function Name: _WIM_CloseHandle
; Parameter(s): $hObject - Handle of a image-based object
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s):If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
; If the function fails, the return value is zero.
; Description: Closes an open Windows Imaging (.wim) file or image handle.
; @error Value(s): 1 - Error in DLLCall
; User CallTip: _WIM_CloseHandle($hObject)
; Author(s):
Func _WIM_CloseHandle($hObject)
Local $close
$close = DllCall($g_wimgapi, "int", "WIMCloseHandle", "ptr", $hObject)
If @error Then
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_CloseHandle error: " & @error & @CRLF)
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWrite("_WIM_CloseHandle rc: " & $close & @CRLF)
Return $close
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_CloseHandle
; Function Name: _WIM_RegisterMessageCallback
; Parameter(s): $hWIM -
; $
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s):If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
; If the function fails, the return value is zero.
; Description: Registers a function to be called with imaging-specific data.
; @error Value(s): 1 - Error in DLLCall
; User CallTip: _WIM_RegisterMessageCallback($hWIM,$pWIM_MessageProc)
; Author(s):
Func _WIM_RegisterMessageCallback($hWIM, $WIM_MessageProc)
Local $register
$register = DllCall($g_wimgapi, "int", "WIMRegisterMessageCallback", "ptr", $hWIM, "ptr", $WIM_MessageProc, "int", "NULL")
If @error Then
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_RegisterMessageCallback error: " & @error & @CRLF)
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWrite("_WIM_RegisterMessageCallback rc: " & $register & @CRLF)
Return $register
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_RegisterMessageCallback
; Function Name: _WIM_UnregisterMessageCallback
; Parameter(s): $hObject - Handle of a image-based object
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s):If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
; If the function fails, the return value is zero.
; Description: Registers a function to be called with imaging-specific data.
; @error Value(s): 1 - Error in DLLCall
; User CallTip: _WIM_UnregisterMessageCallback($hWIM,$pWIM_MessageProc)
; Author(s):
Func _WIM_UnregisterMessageCallback($hWIM, $WIM_MessageProc)
Local $unregister
$unregister = DllCall($g_wimgapi, "int", "WIMUnregisterMessageCallback", "ptr", $hWIM, "ptr", $WIM_MessageProc)
If @error Then
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_UnregisterMessageCallback error: " & @error & @CRLF)
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWrite("_WIM_UnregisterMessageCallback rc: " & $unregister & @CRLF)
Return $unregister
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_UnregisterMessageCallback
; Function Name: _WIM_GetImageInformation
; Description: Returns information about an image within the .wim
; (Windows image) file.
; Return Value:
Func _WIM_GetImageInformation($wim_handle)
Local $struct, $size, $rc_getinfo, $a_return, $xml
$struct = DllStructCreate("ptr")
$size = DllStructCreate("int structsize")
;~ DllStructSetData($size,1,DllStructGetSize($struct))
$rc_getinfo = DllCall($g_wimgapi, "int", "WIMGetImageInformation", "ptr", $wim_handle, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($struct), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($size))
If @error Then
ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_GetImageInformation error: " & @error & @CRLF & "_WIM_GetImageInformation rc: " & $rc_getinfo & @CRLF)
Return 0
$xml = DllStructCreate("char [" & DllStructGetData($size, 1) & "]", DllStructGetData($struct, 1))
$a_return = DllStructGetData($struct, 1)
$a_return = DllStructGetData($size, 1)
$a_return = $rc_getinfo
$a_return = DllStructGetData($xml, 1)
Return $a_return
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_GetImageInformation
; Function Name: _WIM_SetImageInformation
; Description: Stores information about an image in the Windows image
; (.wim) file.
; Return Value:
Func _WIM_SetImageInformation($wim_handle, $xml_pointer, $xml_size)
Local $rc_setinfo, $a_return, $xml
$rc_setinfo = DllCall($g_wimgapi, "int", "WIMSetImageInformation", "ptr", $wim_handle, "ptr", $xml_pointer, "ptr", $xml_size)
If @error Then
ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_GetImageInformation error: " & @error & @CRLF & "_WIM_SetImageInformation rc: " & $rc_setinfo & @CRLF)
Return 0
$a_return = $rc_setinfo
Return $a_return
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_SetImageInformation
; Function Name: _WIM_Startup
; Description: Load wimgapi.dll
; Return Value:
Func _WIM_Startup()
Local $wimgapi
$wimgapi = DllOpen($wim_dll)
If @error Then
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_Startup error: " & @error & @CRLF)
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWrite("_WIM_Startup rc: " & $wimgapi & @CRLF)
Return $wimgapi
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_Startup
; Function Name: _WIM_Shutdown
; Description: Unload wimgapi.dll
; Return Value:
Func _WIM_Shutdown()
Local $rc_close
$rc_close = DllClose($g_wimgapi)
If @error Then
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWriteError("_WIM_Shutdown error: " & @error & @CRLF)
If $wim_debug Then ConsoleWrite("_WIM_Shutdown rc: " & $rc_close & @CRLF)
Return $rc_close
EndFunc ;==>_WIM_Shutdown
#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoIt Version:
Author: Bj?rn Kaiser <>
Script Function:
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
#include <wimgapi.au3>
Dim $fhandle, $vhandle, $imageinfo, $i, $pProgress
$pProgress = DllCallBackRegister ("_Progress", "int", "dword;lparam;wparam;ptr")
ConsoleWriteError("DllCallBack error: " & @error & @CRLF & "_DllCallBack rc: " & $pProgress & @CRLF)
$pProgress = DllCallbackGetPtr($pProgress)
ProgressOn("Wimgapi.dll","Applying image ...")
Apply("d:\1\1.wim", "d:\1\test\")
;ProgressOn("Wimgapi.dll","Capturing image ...")
;Capture("d:\1\1.wim", "d:\baby2\")
Func _Progress($1,$2,$3,$4)
If $1 = 38008 Then
ProgressSet($2,"Remaining time : " & Int($3 / 1000) & " seconds")
;~ If $1 = 38008 Then
ConsoleWrite("_Progress: " & @CRLF & $1 & @CRLF & $2 & @CRLF & $3 & @CRLF & $4 & @CRLF)
;~ EndIf
Return $wim_msg_success
;~ Return 0
Func Apply($wim,$sPath)
Local $rc_apply, $rc_close, $rc_shutdown, $lhandle, $rc_temppath
$fhandle = _wim_createfile ($wim, $wim_generic_read)
;~ ConsoleWrite("_wim_createfile : " & $fhandle & @CRLF)
$rc_temppath = _wim_settemporarypath($fhandle,@TempDir)
;~ ConsoleWrite("_wim_settemporarypath : " & $rc_temppath & @CRLF)
$lhandle = _wim_loadimage ($fhandle,1)
;~ ConsoleWrite("_wim_loadimage : " & $lhandle & @CRLF)
$rc_apply = _wim_applyimage ($lhandle, $sPath)
;~ ConsoleWrite("_wim_applyimage : " & $rc_apply & @CRLF)
$rc_close = _wim_closehandle ($lhandle)
;~ ConsoleWrite("_wim_closehandle : " & $rc_close & @CRLF)
$rc_close = _wim_closehandle ($fhandle)
;~ ConsoleWrite("_wim_closehandle : " & $rc_close & @CRLF)
$rc_shutdown = _wim_shutdown ()
;~ ConsoleWrite("_wim_shutdown : " & $rc_shutdown & @CRLF)
EndFunc ;==>Apply
Func Capture($wim,$sPath)
$fhandle = _wim_createfile ($wim,$wim_generic_write,$wim_create_always,$wim_flag_verify,$wim_compress_xpress)
;~ $imageinfo = _wim_getimageinformation ($fhandle)
;~ ConsoleWrite("-- ImageInfo createFile" & @CRLF & UBound($imageinfo) & @CRLF)
;~ For $i = 0 To UBound($imageinfo) - 1
;~ ConsoleWrite("$imageinfo[" & $i & "]: " & $imageinfo[$i] & @CRLF)
;~ Next
;~ _wim_setimageinformation ($fhandle, $imageinfo, $imageinfo)
$vhandle = _wim_captureimage ($fhandle, $sPath)
;~ $imageinfo = _wim_getimageinformation ($vhandle)
;~ ConsoleWrite("-- ImageInfo catureImage" & @CRLF & UBound($imageinfo) & @CRLF)
;~ For $i = 0 To UBound($imageinfo) - 1
;~ ConsoleWrite("$imageinfo[" & $i & "]: " & $imageinfo[$i] & @CRLF)
;~ Next
;~ _wim_setimageinformation ($vhandle, $imageinfo, $imageinfo)
_wim_closehandle ($vhandle)
_wim_closehandle ($fhandle)
_wim_shutdown ()
EndFunc ;==>Capture 高手帮忙呀