求助DHCP UDF 谁给几个应用的事例?
本帖最后由 lsq726 于 2010-5-8 10:36 编辑http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=74295
这个东西要怎么用? 能给几个例子。#include <Date.au3>
; Description: Get DHCP Client Attributes by IP Address, MAC or Name
; Parameter(s): $sDHCP - IP Address of DHCP Server
;参数(补):$ sDHCP - DHCP服务器的IP地址
; $ClientID - Client IP, MAC or Name (String or Native Format)
;~ $的ClientID - 客户端IP,MAC或名称(String或本机格式)
; Integer - native format for IP Address/Mask
;整数 - 原始格式为IP地址/掩码
; Binary- native format for MAC Address (6 bytes)
;二进制 - 原生格式的MAC地址(6字节)
; $iIDType - type of ClientID information:
;~ $ iIDType - 类型的ClientID信息:
; 0 - Auto-define by value
; 0 - 自动定义值
; 1 - Client IP address
; 1 - 客户端IP地址
; 2 - Client Hardware (MAC) address
;2 - 客户端硬件(MAC)地址
; 3 - Client Name
; 3 - 客户名称
; $iFlags - Config Flags:
; 配置标志:
; 0x1- Output Format (0-Text, 1-Native)
;0x1 -输出格式(0 -文本,1 -母语)
; Requirement(s): Testing
; Return Value(s):On Success - The array of parameters with indexes
;返回值:成功 - 与指标参数数组
; 0 - Client IP address
; 0 - 客户端IP地址
; 1 - Client IP subnet mask
; 1 - 客户端IP子网掩码
; 2 - Client MAC address
;2 - 客户端MAC地址
; 3 - Client Name
; 3 - 客户名称
; 4 - Client Comment
; 4 - 客户评论
; 5 - Client Lease Expires Time
; 5 - 客户端租约到期时间
; On Failure - Null, @error set to
;失效 - 空,设置为错误
; 1 - Client not found on DHCP server
; 1 - 客户未找到DHCP服务器
; 2 - Invalid ClientID parameter
;~ 2 - 无效的ClientID参数
; 3 - Operating System not supported
; 3 - 操作系统不支持
; 4 - Any Runtime Error, API Error Code set to @extended
; 4 - 任何运行时错误,错误代码的API设置为扩展
; Author(s): amel27 (Alexander Melnichuk)
;~ 作者:amel27
; Note(s): Client Name is case sensitive
;注: 客户名称是区分大小写
Func _DHCP_GetClientInfo($sDHCP, $ClientID, $iIDType=0, $iFlags=0)
; Create DHCP_SEARCH_INFO Structure
Local $tSearchInfo= DllStructCreate("int SearchType;int DataLength;ptr DataPtr")
Local $iSearchInfoPtr = DllStructGetPtr($tSearchInfo), $aSubnets=, $iType=0
Local $tBinaryData = DllStructCreate("dword SubnetIPAddress;ubyte HardwareID;ubyte MACAddress")
; Check Client ID Parameter and Define SearchInfo Type
If IsInt($ClientID) Then
If $iIDType=0 Or $iIDType=1 Then $iType = 1
ElseIf IsBinary($ClientID) Then
If BinaryLen($ClientID)=6 And ($iIDType=0 Or $iIDType=2) Then $iType = 2
ElseIf IsString($ClientID) Then
If StringRegExp($ClientID, "^(\d+\.){3}\d+$") Then
; Get IP DWord type from String
Local $aOctets = StringSplit($ClientID, "."), $iClientIP = 0
For $i=1 To 4
If BitAND($aOctets[$i], 0xFFFFFF00) Then Return SetError(2) ; ERR: Invalid Client IP Address
$iClientIP = BitOR(BitRotate($iClientIP, 8, "D"), $aOctets[$i])
$ClientID = $iClientIP
If $iIDType=0 Or $iIDType=1 Then $iType = 1
ElseIf StringRegExp($ClientID,"^(0)?[[:xdigit:]]{2}((:|-)?[[:xdigit:]]{2}){5}$") Then
$ClientID = Binary("0x"& StringRegExpReplace($ClientID,"(0|:|-)",""))
If $iIDType=0 Or $iIDType=2 Then $iType = 2
If $iIDType=0 Or $iIDType=3 Then $iType = 3
If $iType =0 Then Return SetError(2)
; Route the filling of DHCP_SEARCH_INFO structure
Switch $iType
Case 1
; Filling DHCP_SEARCH_INFO for search by client IP address
Local $tSearchInfo_IP = DllStructCreate("int SearchType;dword ClientIPAddress", $iSearchInfoPtr)
DllStructSetData($tSearchInfo_IP, "SearchType", 0)
DllStructSetData($tSearchInfo_IP, "ClientIPAddress", $ClientID)
Case 2
; Filling DHCP_SEARCH_INFO for search by client MAC address
DllStructSetData($tSearchInfo, "SearchType", 1)
DllStructSetData($tSearchInfo, "DataLength", 11)
DllStructSetData($tSearchInfo, "DataPtr", DllStructGetPtr($tBinaryData))
DllStructSetData($tBinaryData, "HardwareID", 0x01)
DllStructSetData($tBinaryData, "MACAddress", $ClientID)
; Get Array of DHCP Subnets
$aSubnets = _DHCP_EnumSubnets($sDHCP, 1)
If @error=1 Then Return SetError(1)
If @error=2 Then Return SetError(4, @extended)
Case 3
; Filling DHCP_SEARCH_INFO for search by client Name
Local $tSearchInfo_Name = DllStructCreate("int SearchType;ptr ClientNamePtr", $iSearchInfoPtr)
Local $tClientNameString= DllStructCreate("wchar ClientName["& StringLen($ClientID)+1 &"]")
DllStructSetData($tSearchInfo_Name, "SearchType", 2)
DllStructSetData($tSearchInfo_Name, "ClientNamePtr", DllStructGetPtr($tClientNameString))
DllStructSetData($tClientNameString, "ClientName", $ClientID)
; CallDhcpGetClientInfo API function
Local $tClientInfo_Ptr = DllStructCreate("ptr"), $aRet, $aRes
For $i=1 To $aSubnets
DllStructSetData($tBinaryData, "SubnetIPAddress", $aSubnets[$i])
$aRet = DllCall("Dhcpsapi.dll", "int", "DhcpGetClientInfo", _
"wstr", $sDHCP, _
"ptr", $iSearchInfoPtr, _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tClientInfo_Ptr) )
If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error) ; ERR: Invalid DLL or Function Name
If $aRet<>20013 Then ExitLoop
If $aRet=20013 Then Return SetError(1, $aRet) ; ERR: Client not found
If $aRet Then Return SetError(4, $aRet) ; ERR: Any runtime errors
; DHCP_CLIENT_INFO structure
Local $tClientInfo = DllStructCreate("dword ClientIpAddress;dword SubnetMask;int BinaryLen;ptr BinaryPtr;" & _
"ptr ClientNamePtr;ptr ClientCommentPtr;ubyte ClientLeaseExpires;dword OwnerHostIPAddress;" & _
"ptr OwnerHostNetBiosNamePtr;ptr OwnerHostNamePtr", DllStructGetData($tClientInfo_Ptr,1))
Local $tClientBinary = DllStructCreate("ubyte BinaryData", DllStructGetData($tClientInfo, "BinaryPtr"))
; Get IP Address
$aRes = DllStructGetData($tClientInfo, "ClientIpAddress")
If BitAND($iFlags,1)=0 Then $aRes = BitRotate(BitAND($aRes,0xFF000000), 8,"D") &"."& _
BitRotate(BitAND($aRes,0x00FF0000),16,"D") &"."& _
BitRotate(BitAND($aRes,0x0000FF00),-8,"W") &"."& BitAND($aRes,0x000000FF)
; Get IP Mask
$aRes = DllStructGetData($tClientInfo, "SubnetMask")
If BitAND($iFlags,1)=0 Then $aRes=BitRotate(BitAND($aRes,0xFF000000), 8,"D") &"."& _
BitRotate(BitAND($aRes,0x00FF0000),16,"D") &"."& _
BitRotate(BitAND($aRes,0x0000FF00),-8,"W") &"."& BitAND($aRes,0x000000FF)
; Get MAC Address
$aRes = DllStructGetData($tClientBinary, "BinaryData")
If BitAND($iFlags,1)=0 Then $aRes = String($aRes)
; Get Client Name
Local $tClientNameString = DllStructCreate("wchar ClientName", DllStructGetData($tClientInfo, "ClientNamePtr"))
$aRes = DllStructGetData($tClientNameString, "ClientName")
; Get Client Comment
Local $tClientNameString = DllStructCreate("wchar ClientComment", DllStructGetData($tClientInfo, "ClientCommentPtr"))
$aRes = DllStructGetData($tClientNameString, "ClientComment")
; Get Client Lease Expire Time
$aRes = DllStructGetData($tClientInfo, "ClientLeaseExpires")
If BitAND($iFlags,1)=0 Then
$aRes = _Date_Time_FileTimeToLocalFileTime(DllStructGetPtr($tClientInfo, "ClientLeaseExpires"))
$aRes = _Date_Time_FileTimeToStr($aRes)
; Freeing a memory
DllCall("Dhcpsapi.dll", "none", "DhcpRpcFreeMemory", "ptr", DllStructGetData($tClientInfo_Ptr,1))
Return $aRes
EndFunc ;==> _DHCP_GetClientInfo
; Description: Get List of DHCP Scopes
; Parameter(s): $sDHCP - IP Address of DHCP Server
; $iFlags - Config Flags:
; 0x1- Output Format (0-Text, 1-Native)
; Requirement(s): Testing
; Return Value(s):On Success - The array subnet of IP Addresses
; element with index 0 is count of scopes
; On Failure - @error set to
; 1 - Scopes not defined, returned empty array
; 2 - Any Runtime Error, invalid array,
; API Error Code set to @extended
; Author(s): amel27 (Alexander Melnichuk)
; Note(s):
Func _DHCP_EnumSubnets($sDHCP, $iFlags=0)
Local $tEnumSubnetsParms = DllStructCreate("hwnd ResumeHandle;ptr EnumInfoPtr;int ElementsRead;int ElementsTotal")
Local $aSubnets=, $tIPArray, $tAddress, $aRet
$aRet = DllCall("Dhcpsapi.dll", "int", "DhcpEnumSubnets", _
"wstr", $sDHCP, _
"ptr" , DllStructGetPtr($tEnumSubnetsParms, "ResumeHandle"), _
"int", 100, _
"ptr" , DllStructGetPtr($tEnumSubnetsParms, "EnumInfoPtr") , _
"ptr" , DllStructGetPtr($tEnumSubnetsParms, "ElementsRead"), _
"ptr" , DllStructGetPtr($tEnumSubnetsParms, "ElementsTotal") )
If $aRet Then Return SetError(2, $aRet) ; ERR: Any runtime errors
If DllStructGetData($tEnumSubnetsParms,"EnumInfoPtr")=0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, $aSubnets) ; ERR: Not Found
$tIPArray = DllStructCreate("int NumElements;ptr Elements", DllStructGetData($tEnumSubnetsParms,"EnumInfoPtr"))
ReDim $aSubnets[$aSubnets + DllStructGetData($tIPArray,"NumElements") +1]
For $i=$aSubnets+1 To UBound($aSubnets)-1
$tAddress = DllStructCreate("dword SubNetAddess", DllStructGetData($tIPArray,2) + ($i-$aSubnets-1)*4)
$aSubnets[$i]=DllStructGetData($tAddress, "SubNetAddess")
If BitAND($iFlags,1)=0 Then $aSubnets[$i] = BitRotate(BitAND($aSubnets[$i],0xFF000000), 8,"D") _
&"."& BitRotate(BitAND($aSubnets[$i],0x00FF0000),16,"D") _
&"."& BitRotate(BitAND($aSubnets[$i],0x0000FF00),-8,"W") _
&"."& BitAND($aSubnets[$i],0x000000FF)
$aSubnets += DllStructGetData($tIPArray,"NumElements")
Until DllStructGetData($tEnumSubnetsParms,"ElementsRead") = DllStructGetData($tEnumSubnetsParms,"ElementsTotal")
; Freeing a memory
DllCall("Dhcpsapi.dll", "none", "DhcpRpcFreeMemory", "ptr", DllStructGetData($tEnumSubnetsParms,"EnumInfoPtr"))
Return $aSubnets
EndFunc ; => _DHCP_EnumSubnets
;================================================= ==============================
;参数(补):$ sDHCP - DHCP服务器的IP地址
$的ClientID - 客户端IP,MAC或名称(String或本机格式)
;整数 - 原始格式为IP地址/掩码
;二进制 - 原生格式的MAC地址(6字节)
$ iIDType - 类型的ClientID信息:
; 0 - 自动定义值
; 1 - 客户端IP地址
;2 - 客户端硬件(MAC)地址
; 3 - 客户名称
; 配置标志:
;0x1 -输出格式(0 -文本,1 -母语)
;返回值:成功 - 与指标参数数组
; 0 - 客户端IP地址
; 1 - 客户端IP子网掩码
;2 - 客户端MAC地址
; 3 - 客户名称
; 4 - 客户评论
; 5 - 客户端租约到期时间
;失效 - 空,设置为错误
; 1 - 客户未找到DHCP服务器
2 - 无效的ClientID参数
; 3 - 操作系统不支持
;4 - 任何运行时错误,错误代码的API设置为扩展
;================================================= ============================== 谢谢。。帮助。
可以设置其他的信息如 067 选项之类的么? 呵呵,翻译的好啊 不知道要怎么用。。 期待有人能,,给几个使用他的实例~~~~~ 好复杂的东西呀。。。 呵呵不错收藏一下。。 不错,也来看一下