(已解决)Is there got a function can search the letters on a button?
本帖最后由 yarsye 于 2010-9-4 12:29 编辑Sorry , my current running system is Eng OS , i just want to click a button not using Control ID or Advanced(Class) , for they will change on the same button on different OSes, so i think it could be done if click the button using search the letters on that button .Is there got a function or a method able to solve this issue?
Thanks for your viewing . CLASS also change on the different OS? 本帖最后由 netegg 于 2010-5-20 09:45 编辑
Try function guictrlread($button) if the program is made by youself. If not, they shouldn't be changed, just like sxd's thought. Yes ,in my system there is a button in the application got two same Control ID (1003) ,and the Advanced(Class) :-- "INSTANCE8"will also change to 20 or 38 , i have no idea about this , but it really comes. See 'advanced window matching options', which locates in Help File->AutoIt->Using AutoIt->Window Titles and Text (Advanced).
Q: How to resolve my system language problem?
A: Control Panel->Regional and Language Options->Advanced->select 'Chinese (RPC)' for a non-Unicode program->OK->Restart your computer. Maybe different wintitle's letters was got on different OSes, and if you want to search the letters you must be get the correct title of the window ,so I don't find a way to do that(Maybe you can make a Multilingual version~~ :-)).
But, if you just want to click a button , you can try the function "Mouseclick()"
You can see the Autoit Helpfile for the "Mouseclick()" function. test this code.#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
Global $BtClickFlg=True;Declare a global variable ,if button clicked, this global variable will control the function not to run again.
$Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 122, 196, 192, 114) ;create form
$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Myfirst BT", 8, 8, 105, 41) ;create button
$Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Mysecond BT", 8, 72, 105, 41)
$Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Mythird BT", 8, 136, 105, 41)
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;show form
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
$stringtoclickbt=InputBox("Input","Please input which button you want to click:","","",300,80);input the letter on the button which you want to click
While 1 ;message loop
$nMsg = GUIGetMsg();get message
Switch $nMsg;switch message
Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE;if message is $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE,exit program
Case $Button1;if message is button1
MsgBox(0,"Button1 Click","You clicked button1!");show a messagebox, title is 'button1 click',text is 'You clicked button1!'
$BtClickFlg=False;set button click flg to false,the function just run once
Case $Button2
MsgBox(0,"Button2 Click","You clicked button2!")
Case $Button3
MsgBox(0,"Button3 Click","You clicked button3!")
If $BtClickFlg=True Then ;if button click flg is true , call function clickbutton to Sends a mouse click command to the button witch you type in the inputbox
Func clickbutton($stringonbutton)
Local $string1=GUICtrlRead($Button1);Declare a local variable ,set the value is button1's text
Local $string2=GUICtrlRead($Button2);Declare a local variable ,set the value is button2's text
Local $string3=GUICtrlRead($Button3);Declare a local variable ,set the value is button3's text
If $stringonbutton=$string1 Then ;if button1's text is same to the string you type in, Sends a mouse click command to button1
If $stringonbutton=$string2 Then;if button2's text is same to the string you type in, Sends a mouse click command to button2
If $stringonbutton=$string3 Then;if button3's text is same to the string you type in, Sends a mouse click command to button3
test this code.
lanfengc 发表于 2010-5-20 10:58 http://www.autoitx.com/images/common/back.gif
wonderful ! that's what i wanted . thanks