本帖最后由 nofile 于 2010-7-13 02:53 编辑头大。。。是不是我没找到还是怎么。。 Runs()
Func Runs()
If MsgBox(4,"跳转演示","跳转吗")=6 Then
Func jamp()
EndFunc 本帖最后由 shypro2009 于 2010-7-12 13:08 编辑
v3应该没有:参见AutoIT help 文档 的FAQ
下文大意就是开发组觉得 goto 很邪恶,所以xx了,而且你不能问为什么。
4. Where is the "goto" command?
Gone.It's evil.No, you can't ask why - it just is.It's like that lump of rock they find in the microwave at the end of the film Time Bandits :)
AutoIt v3 features most of the common "loops" in use today and with these Goto is no longer required.Look up While, Do, For, ExitLoop, ContinueLoop and Functions for the modern way of doing things :)And while you are looking at help file sections check out these on loops, conditional statements and functions.I promise you, once you have got the hang of such things you will be able to script in virtually any other language within a couple of minutes.
Just to get you started, the most basic use of Goto in version 2.64 was an infinite loop like:
...do something...
...and something else...
goto, mylabel
A simple v3 version of that is a While loop that is always "true".
While 1 = 1
...do something...
...do something else...
Back To Top func我感觉比GOTO要好的多。 GOTO是没的,,用FUNC不挺好的嘛。。 多看帮助?最好的工具! 2楼能不能解释一下跳转语句的用法及其格式?