* Integrated countermeasures against n00b level interrogation with various Decompilers.
* Add basic types of resources into the interpreter or other types as raw data.
* Define multiple programs to execute pre and post build.
* Create and include pe version information.
* User defined patches that can be implemented globally on the interpreter and compiler or selectively.
* Handles its own basic macro's as well as environment variables in most fields for easier path finding.
* Drag and drop configs (script bound or separate) to the input edit box or to the icon to load them.
* Configuration settings can be copied to the clipboard or saved as config files or even as quicklaunch bat and Au3 scripts.
* Settings can now be saved directly to an AutoIt3 script.
* Subsystem independant, can act as a gui or console tool.
* And much more.
Additional commandline functionality not related to building AutoIt3 executables such as:
* Pe file resource modification using the resource config component.
* Get and set the interface subsystem of pe files.
* Erase (null) the padding bytes applied to pe files when windows resource api is used.
看看怎么用啊。 百度搜索 safengine他有个demo产品 Shielden
可以给au3编译的程序加壳 但是加过之后明显运行启动速度要比未加壳之前要慢、
我用我之前写的一个程序测试了一下 病毒报告
扫描结果 : 16%的杀软(6/37)报告发现病毒
时间 : 2011/09/02 22:38:32 (CST)
杀毒软件还是过不了但是应该算是比较强的壳了 百度搜索 safengine他有个demo产品 Shielden
可以给au3编译的程序加壳 但是加过之后明显运行启动速度要 ...
cxlater 发表于 2011-9-2 22:43 http://autoitx.com/images/common/back.gif
然后,我取消所有的设置,只保留“区段加密” - “代码段”,倒是不报错了,但程序没法运行,双击后,啥反应都没有 我是不加upx编译的 是不是这个问题造成的我刚刚又测试了几个都ok的 本帖最后由 cxlater 于 2011-9-3 00:21 编辑
回复 4# happytc
确实是有这样的情况 我加了upx之后再用safengine加壳会报错 脱壳后照样反编译啊。 回复 1# happytc
请问楼主你怎么设置的下载附件不花钱 支持下AU3 KE 矛与盾的问题又来了,网上就有虚拟机脱壳的软件,可能脱掉大多数的壳,还有很多其他软件可以等你运行后从内存中dump出来,加壳的效果堪忧。 不错不错不错不错 我从来不加壳,upx也不加,怕被误会成病毒 被反编译倒不怕,就是那种反编译人家东西再拿来卖的人,真是TM的畜生连都不如! 不加壳AU3就难以生存,何况加壳? 我路过看一下。。。