本帖最后由 yinbinly 于 2013-1-6 08:36 编辑先贴出代码FileCopy(@ScriptDir & "\BackgroundDefault.jpg",@SystemDir & "\oobe\info\Backgrounds\backgroundDefault.jpg",9)本人想复制一个文件到 系统32目录,在64位下运行,使用X86编译结果复制到SYSYWOW64目录下什么64编译就没事 ,本人想用X86编译实现并且使用@WindowsDir\sysytem32效果是一样的也是复制进SYSWOW64 没人回答一下吗?太伤心了
防辐射服哪个牌子好 回复 2# yinbinly
Running the 32-bit version of AutoIt on a x64 System
For Files, Windows has a special redirection mechanism for some system directories :
Directories 32-bit Value 64-Bit Value
@SystemDir @WindowsDir & "\SYSWOW64" @WindowsDir & "\System32"
@ProgramFilesDir {SystemDrive} & "\Program Files (x86)" {SystemDrive} & "\Program Files"
It is possible to access the 64-bit version of those directories by disabling the redirection mechanism.
DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection", "int", 1) 回复 5# 半芯竹
大哥你太狠了,全是英文GOOGLE了半天看懂了 但是不行啊 顶,学习中