风雨网络 发表于 2013-5-23 15:55:27

iphlpapi.dll 操作路由表失败!XP下提示 87 求助

本帖最后由 风雨网络 于 2013-5-23 16:34 编辑

WIN7 测试通过XP 失败了!#Region ;**** 参数创建于 ACNWrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** 参数创建于 ACNWrapper_GUI ****
Const $IPHLPAPI = DllOpen("iphlpapi.dll")
Const $tagMIB_IPFORWARDROW = "long Destination;long NetworkMask;long Policy;long NextHop;long IfIndex;long Type;long Proto;long Age;long NextHopAS;long Metric1;long Metric2;long Metric3;long Metric4;long Metric5"

Func _EnumIpForwordEntries()
      Local $iResult, $tBuffer, $tBinary, $pBinary, $tNumberofEntries, $aResult = []

      $iResult = DllCall($IPHLPAPI, "long", "GetIpForwardTable", "ptr", 0, "long*", 0, "bool", 1)
      If ($iResult < 4) Then Return SetError($iResult, 0, $aResult)

      $tBinary = DllStructCreate("ubyte Binary[" & $iResult & "]")
      $pBinary = DllStructGetPtr($tBinary)

      $iResult = DllCall($IPHLPAPI, "long", "GetIpForwardTable", "ptr", $pBinary, "long*", $iResult, "bool", 1)
      If ($iResult) Then Return SetError($iResult, 0, $aResult)

      $tNumberofEntries = DllStructCreate("long NumberofEntries", $pBinary)
      $aResult = DllStructGetData($tNumberofEntries, "NumberofEntries")
      Redim $aResult[$aResult + 1]

      For $i = 1 To $aResult
                $tBuffer = DllStructCreate($tagMIB_IPFORWARDROW, $pBinary + 4 + ($i - 1) * 56)

                For $j = 0 To 13
                        $aResult[$i][$j] = DllStructGetData($tBuffer, $j + 1)
                $aResult[$i] = _ConvertUlongToChars($aResult[$i])
                $aResult[$i] = _ConvertUlongToChars($aResult[$i])
                $aResult[$i] = _ConvertUlongToChars($aResult[$i])

      Return $aResult
EndFunc ;==>_EnumIpForwordEntries

Func _ConvertUlongToChars($iUlong)
      Local $iResult = DllCall("Ws2_32.dll", "str", "inet_ntoa", "ulong", $iUlong)
      Return $iResult
EndFunc ;==>_ConvertUlongToChars

Func _ConvertCharsToUlong($sChars)
      Local $iResult = DllCall("Ws2_32.dll", "long", "inet_addr", "str", $sChars)
      Return $iResult
EndFunc ;==>_ConvertCharsToUlong

Func _CreateIpForwardEntry($sDestination, $sNetworkMask, $sNextHop, $iIfIndex, $iType, $iMetric)
      Local $tBuffer, $iResult

      If $iIfIndex = -1 Then $iIfIndex = _GetBestInterface($sNextHop)

      $tBuffer = DllStructCreate($tagMIB_IPFORWARDROW)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "Destination", _ConvertCharsToUlong($sDestination))
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "NetworkMask", _ConvertCharsToUlong($sNetworkMask))
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "NextHop", _ConvertCharsToUlong($sNextHop))
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "IfIndex", $iIfIndex)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer ,"Type", $iType)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "Proto", 3)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "Policy", 0)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "Age", 0)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "NextHopAS", 0)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "Metric1", $iMetric)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer ,"Metric2", -1)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer ,"Metric3", -1)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer ,"Metric4", -1)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer ,"Metric5", -1)

      $iResult = DllCall($IPHLPAPI, "long", "CreateIpForwardEntry", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer))
      Return SetError($iResult, 0, $iResult = 0)
EndFunc ;==>_CreateIpForwardEntry

Func _DeleteIpForwardEntry($sDestination, $sNetworkMask, $sNextHop, $iIfIndex, $iProto = 3)
      Local $iResult, $tBuffer

      If $iIfIndex = -1 Then $iIfIndex = _GetBestInterface($sNextHop)

      $tBuffer = DllStructCreate($tagMIB_IPFORWARDROW)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "Destination", _ConvertCharsToUlong($sDestination))
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "NetworkMask", _ConvertCharsToUlong($sNetworkMask))
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "NextHop", _ConvertCharsToUlong($sNextHop))
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "IfIndex", $iIfIndex)
      DllStructSetData($tBuffer, "Proto", $iProto)

      $iResult = DllCall($IPHLPAPI, "long", "DeleteIpForwardEntry", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer))
      Return SetError($iResult, 0, $iResult = 0)
EndFunc ;==>_DeleteIpForwardEntry

Func _GetBestInterface($sAddress)
      Local $iResult

      $iResult = DllCall($IPHLPAPI, "long", "GetBestInterface", "long", _ConvertCharsToUlong($sAddress), "long*", 0)
      Return SetError($iResult, 0, $iResult)
EndFunc ;==>_GetBestInterface

If _CreateIpForwardEntry("", "", "", -1, 3, 60) Then
      MsgBox(48, "OK", "Done")
      MsgBox(48, "Error", "Failed with error " & @error)

If _DeleteIpForwardEntry("", "", "", -1) Then
      MsgBox(48, "OK", "Done")
      MsgBox(48, "Error", "Failed with error " & @error)

ceoguang 发表于 2013-5-23 18:23:05

本帖最后由 ceoguang 于 2013-5-23 18:24 编辑

An input parameter is invalid, no action was taken. This error is returned if the pRoute parameter is NULL, the dwForwardProto member of MIB_IPFORWARDROW was not set to MIB_IPPROTO_NETMGMT, the dwForwardMask member of the PMIB_IPFORWARDROW structure is not a valid IPv4 subnet mask, or one of the other members of the MIB_IPFORWARDROW structure is invalid.

ceoguang 发表于 2013-5-23 18:24:18

An input parameter is invalid, no action was taken. This error is returned if the pRoute parameter is NULL, the dwForwardProto member of MIB_IPFORWARDROW was not set to MIB_IPPROTO_NETMGMT, the dwForwardMask member of the PMIB_IPFORWARDROW structure is not a valid IPv4 subnet mask, or one of the other members of the MIB_IPFORWARDROW structure is invalid.

风雨网络 发表于 2013-5-23 18:27:15

回复 3# ceoguang

    参数没错误吧! WIN7 上测试OK 的!不知道为何XP 不行!

ceoguang 发表于 2013-5-23 18:29:21


风雨网络 发表于 2013-5-23 19:02:56

回复 5# ceoguang

版主这个看得云里雾里! 我刚把这个发给别人XP 测试提示OK 是可以的! 我自己到2003上运行也是可以的!

应该是系统上精简或者优化了什么导致的! 只是我现在找不到修改系统上的那些东西导致的这个问题!

ceoguang 发表于 2013-5-23 19:42:35


版主这个看得云里雾里! 我刚把这个发给别人XP 测试提示OK 是可以的! 我自己到2003上运 ...
风雨网络 发表于 2013-5-23 19:02 http://www.autoitx.com/images/common/back.gif

风雨网络 发表于 2013-5-24 21:05:30

回复 7# ceoguang

版主 ("", "", "x.x.x.x", -1)   在XP 上这个里的X 如果是本机IP 地址或者VPN 获取到的IP 运行就会失败返回87 如果这个IP是不存在的就会提示OK !我要实现的是将221.239.208.1添加到本地IP地址或者VPN获取到的IP 看了你说的这个!还是不懂怎么解决!
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查看完整版本: iphlpapi.dll 操作路由表失败!XP下提示 87 求助