雨还没下.....哇,期待………… 本帖最后由 afan 于 2018-2-1 21:26 编辑
看到了,不错的消息 看到了,不错的消息 期待更新,等各位前辈的包{:face (356):} 终于有动静了~看版本号的话,更新内容不算大吧? 看到了,不错的消息,新版本能改进那些功能呢!挺期待的! 本帖最后由 131738 于 2018-2-2 12:16 编辑
afan 发表于 2018-2-1 21:20 http://www.autoit3.cn/images/common/back.gif
2 年多了, 回头看 2014-07 到 2015-07, 1年更新 到, 平均不到 1 个月更新一次.......
这次2年多才推进 1 个版本号............. 2 年多了, 回头看 2014-07 到 2015-07, 1年更新 到, 平均不到 1 个月更新一次..... ...
131738 发表于 2018-2-2 12:15 http://www.autoit3.cn/images/common/back.gif
是啊还是个最小位版本号更新感觉不科学,当然,真要动了也就是好事 本帖最后由 make2855 于 2018-2-2 17:54 编辑
刚刚再去看时,已经更新了 真是个好消息 官网说要持续更新哇?看不懂英文 HistoryIMPORTANT: See here for recent script-breaking changes.
Here is the summarized history of the changes to AutoIt v3.(For the complete technical history click here. For the complete history including all changes between beta versions click here.) (2nd February, 2018) (Release)AutoIt:[*]Changed: Location of the link pointing to the #pragma directive. Found in the language directives page.[*]Changed: PCRE regular expression engine updated to 8.37.[*]Fixed #3237: Event log decoding now deals with more than 9 tokens.[*]Fixed #3068: Switch comment was incorrect in the documentation.[*]Fixed #2997: Fixed bug with caseless UTF regular expressions.[*]Fixed #3009: MouseGetCursor() for HAND.[*]Fixed #2899: WinGetHandle("LAST") @error.[*]Fixed #2945: Center and right justified text broken on native buttons when colours set.[*]Fixed #2916: GUISetCoord() not used in GUICtrlCreatePic().[*]Fixed #2869: GUICtrlSetTip() displays wrong tip.[*]Fixed #2892: GUICtrlSetData() on Dummy Control.[*]Fixed: EnvUpdate() will no longer be blocked by hung windows.[*]Fixed: pragma directive was not working correctly for setting Windows 10 options.[*]Fixed: WSAGetError -> WSAGetLastError typo in TCP/UDP doc functions.[*]Fixed #3193: Help "Language Reference - Variable" example.[*]Fixed: $EXITCLOSE_BYSUTDOWN -> $EXITCLOSE_BYSHUTDOWN typo in AutoItConstants.au3 used with OnAutoItExitRegister(). THIS IS A SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGEUDFs:[*]Removed: _MathCheckDiv() documentation has been removed, as it was a basic wrapper for Mod($iNum1, $iNum2). THIS IS A SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE[*]Removed #3071: 4th example from the Random() documentation, as it was for a workaround that isn't required anymore.[*]Changed: Re-wrote _FileCountLines() with using the native function FileReadToArray(). Check the documentation for additional @error values.[*]Changed: Return value of _Degree() and _Radian() on error from empty string to zero. THIS IS A SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE[*]Changed: _SQLite ->[*]Changed: _SQLite_Startup() does not download anymore a new folder can be used to store SQLite dll/exe files @LocalAppDataDir\AutoIt v3\SQLite[*]Changed: WinAPI conversion UDFs moved from WinAPI.au3 and WinAPIMisc.au3 to WinAPIConv.au3.[*]Changed: WinAPI Handle and Object UDFs moved from WinAPI.au3 to WinAPIHObj.au3.[*]Changed: WinAPI Icons UDFs moved from WinAPIRes.au3 to WinAPIIcons.au3.[*]Changed: WinAPI Heap UDFs moved from WinAPISys.au3 to WinAPIMem.au3.[*]Changed: WinAPI Gdi Device Context (DC) UDFs moved from WinAPI.au3 to WinAPIGdiDC.au3.[*]Changed: _WinAPI_DefSubclassProc(), _WinAPI_GetWindowSubclass(), >_WinAPI_RemoveWindowSubclass() and _WinAPI_SetWindowSubclass() moved from WinAPIShellEx.au3 to WinAPISys.au3. THIS IS A SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE[*]Changed: _ArrayDisplay() is now only intended to display array contents - but see _DebugArrayDisplay(). No limit of number of item displayed. $iAlt_Color, $hUser_Function parameters have been removed.[*]Added: _ArrayAdd can force elements to Boolean using $ARRAYFILL_FORCE_BOOLEAN flag.[*]Added #3120: Using ipify.org as the main IP discovery site for _GetIP().[*]Added #3093: _FileWriteToLine() parameter to add lines if required.[*]Added #3161: Constants for MemGetStat().[*]Added #2269: SHA2 hash algorithms in Crypt.au3.[*]Added #3208: $CALG_* constants description for _Crypt_*().[*]Added #3210: _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetFont(), _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetFont() $iCharSets values Doc precision.[*]Added: More _GDIPlus_* functions (18).[*]Added #3240: Constants to _PathSplit().[*]Added #3513: _Timer_KillTimer(), _Timer_KillAllTimers() and _Timer_SetTimer() doc precision.[*]Added: _DebugArrayDisplay() replaces the old _ArrayDisplay() with multiple user options and buttons.[*]Added: _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack() support a new $bNumber type (2) to compare with StrCmpLogical Windows API.[*]Added: _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack() add a new parameter to use Private callback.[*]Added: Click on column header sort for _ArrayDisplay() and _DebugArrayDisplay().[*]Fixed #3069: AutoIt Constants include constant help page.[*]Fixed #3075: _WinAPI_WaitForSingleObject() - TimeOut parameters description.[*]Fixed #3078: _ArrayUnique() error on 2D arrays with Au3Check.[*]Fixed #3094: Range error in _ArrayDisplay().[*]Fixed #3104: _EventLog__Read() returns only domain name.[*]Fixed #3085: Wrong UDF Examples.[*]Fixed #3113: StderrRead() example.[*]Fixed #3117: StringFormat() - second parameter is optional.[*]Fixed #3087: _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamFromFile() add parameter to support UTF16 with no BOM.[*]Fixed: Bug with header delimiter if _ArrayDisplay() function called within its own user function[*]Fixed: _WinAPI_GetVersion() comparison under Win10.[*]Fixed #3091: _WinAPI_RegQueryValue() never returns the buffer size on ERROR_MORE_DATA error.[*]Fixed: _GDIPlus_EffectCreate() crashing when run using AutoIt x64.[*]Fixed #3134: Missing _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics() Constants.[*]Fixed #3136: Bad doc return description for _FTP_DirPutContents().[*]Fixed #3184: bad doc description for $STYPE_DISKTREE and $STYPE_PRINTQ in _Net_Share_ShareEnum() and _Net_Share_ResourceStr().[*]Fixed #3233: _GUICtrlListBox_GetSelCount() returning 0 on invalid handle.[*]Fixed: _Date_Time_SetTimeZoneInformation().[*]Fixed #3516: _Crypt_EncryptData() and _Crypt_DecryptData() doc about Non ANSI Chars handling.[*]Fixed #3518: _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetParts() with array of PartWidth.[*]Fixed #3582: _WinAPI_GetGUIThreadInfo() caret bounding rectangle. win10下问题很多,希望新版本就改善下! 已经下载了,感谢分享。