[ 本帖最后由 zdserver 于 2009-3-28 19:43 编辑 ] 利用ado连接数据库. 问题同楼主的 请大大们给以个列子 #include-once
; Function Name: _SQLConnect
; Description: Initiate a connection to a SQL database
; Syntax: $oConn = _SQLConnect($sServer, $sDatabase, $fAuthMode = 0, $sUsername = "", $sPassword = "", _
; $sDriver = "{SQL Server}")
; Parameter(s): $sServer - The server your database is on
; $sDatabase - Database to connect to
; $fAuthMode - Authorization mode (0 = Windows Logon, 1 = SQL) (default = 0)
; $sUsername - The username to connect to the database with (default = "")
; $sPassword - The password to connect to the database with (default = "")
; $sDriver (optional) the ODBC driver to use (default = "{SQL Server}")
; Requirement(s): Autoit 3 with COM support
; Return Value(s):On success - returns the connection object for subsequent SQL calls
; On failure - returns 0 and sets @error:
; @error=1 - Error opening database connection
; @error=2 - ODBC driver not installed
; @error=3 - ODBC connection failed
; Author(s): SEO and unknown
; Note(s): None
Func _SQLConnect($sServer, $sDatabase, $fAuthMode = 0, $sUsername = "", $sPassword = "", $sDriver = "{SQL Server}")
Local $sTemp = StringMid($sDriver, 2, StringLen($sDriver) - 2)
Local $sKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers", $sVal = RegRead($sKey, $sTemp)
If @error or $sVal = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
$oConn = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection")
If NOT IsObj($oConn) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
If $fAuthMode Then $oConn.Open ("DRIVER=" & $sDriver & ";SERVER=" & $sServer & ";DATABASE=" & $sDatabase & ";UID=" & $sUsername & ";PWD=" & $sPassword & ";")
If NOT $fAuthMode Then $oConn.Open("DRIVER=" & $sDriver & ";SERVER=" & $sServer & ";DATABASE=" & $sDatabase)
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return $oConn
EndFunc ;==>_SQLConnect
; Function Name: _SQLConnect
; Description: Send a query to a SQL database and return the results as an object
; Syntax: $oQuery = _SQLQuery($oConn, $sQuery)
; Parameter(s): $oConn - A database connection object created by a previous call to _SQLConnect
; $sQuery - The SQL query string to be executed by the SQL server
; Requirement(s): Autoit 3 with COM support
; Return Value(s):On success - returns the query result as an object
; On failure - returns 0 and sets @error:
; @error=1 - Unable to process the query
; Author(s): SEO and unknown
; Note(s): None
Func _SQLQuery($oConn, $sQuery)
If IsObj($oConn) Then Return $oConn.Execute($sQuery)
Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
EndFunc ;==>_SQLQuery
; Function Name: _SQLDisconnect
; Description: Disconnect and close an existing connection to a SQL database
; Syntax: _SQLDisconnect($oConn)
; Parameter(s): $oConn - A database connection object created by a previous call to _SQLConnect
; Requirement(s): Autoit 3 with COM support
; Return Value(s):On success - returns 1 and closes the ODBC connection
; On failure - returns 0 and sets @error:
; @error=1 - Database connection object doesn't exist
; Author(s): SEO and unknown
; Note(s): None
Func _SQLDisconnect($oConn)
If NOT IsObj($oConn) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return 1
EndFunc ;==>_SQLDisconnect 这个是要在服务器端安装什么吗?举例说明一下吗?急啊 论坛搜索:http://www.autoitx.com/search.php?searchid=62&orderby=lastpost&ascdesc=desc&searchsubmit=yes