AU3如何打开无线网络连接 _WinNet_RestoreConnection--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Restores the connection to a network resource
#Include <WinNet.au3>
_WinNet_RestoreConnection([$sDevice = ""[, $hWnd = 0[, $fUseUI = True]]])
$sDevice ---The local name of the drive to connect to, such as "Z:". If blank, the function reconnects all
persistent drives stored in the registry for the current user.
$hWnd--- Handle to the parent window that the function uses to display the user interface that prompts
the user for a name and password when making the network connection. If 0, there is no owner window.
$fUseUI ---If True, display a username/password prompt to the caller
_WinNet_UseConnection本地设备连接到网络资源 或者试试利用Devcon工具读取DEV.ID以及重新启动网络连接 谢谢,正好最进写这东西 顶下下再说:face (38):