这个帮助中的例子,_StringEncrypt返回的结果是空串而@error <> 1。为什么
#include <GuiConstantsEx.au3>
#include <String.au3>
Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
Func _Main()
Local $WinMain, $EditText, $InputPass, $InputLevel, $UpDownLevel, $EncryptButton, $DecryptButton, $string
; GUI and String stuff
$WinMain = GUICreate('Encryption tool', 400, 400)
; Creates window
$EditText = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 5, 5, 380, 350)
; Creates main edit
$InputPass = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 5, 360, 100, 20, 0x21)
; Creates the password box with blured/centered input
$InputLevel = GUICtrlCreateInput(1, 110, 360, 50, 20, 0x2001)
$UpDownLevel = GUICtrlSetLimit(GUICtrlCreateUpdown($InputLevel), 10, 1)
; These two make the level input with the Up|Down ability
$EncryptButton = GUICtrlCreateButton('Encrypt', 170, 360, 105, 35)
; Encryption button
$DecryptButton = GUICtrlCreateButton('Decrypt', 285, 360, 105, 35)
; Decryption button
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Password', 5, 385)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Level', 110, 385)
; Simple text labels so you know what is what
; Shows window
While 1
Switch GUIGetMsg()
Case $EncryptButton
GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $WinMain) ; Stops you from changing anything
$string = GUICtrlRead($EditText) ; Saves the editbox for later
GUICtrlSetData($EditText, 'Please wait while the text is Encrypted/Decrypted.') ; Friendly message
GUICtrlSetData($EditText, _StringEncrypt(1, $string, GUICtrlRead($InputPass), GUICtrlRead($InputLevel))&"over")
; Calls the encryption. Sets the data of editbox with the encrypted string
; The encryption starts with 1/0 to tell it to encrypt/decrypt
; The encryption then has the string that we saved for later from edit box
; It then reads the password box & Reads the level box
GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $WinMain) ; This turns the window back on
Case $DecryptButton
GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $WinMain) ; Stops you from changing anything
$string = GUICtrlRead($EditText) ; Saves the editbox for later
GUICtrlSetData($EditText, 'Please wait while the text is Encrypted/Decrypted.') ; Friendly message
GUICtrlSetData($EditText, _StringEncrypt(0, $string, GUICtrlRead($InputPass), GUICtrlRead($InputLevel))&"over")
; Calls the encryption. Sets the data of editbox with the encrypted string
; The encryption starts with 1/0 to tell it to encrypt/decrypt
; The encryption then has the string that we saved for later from edit box
; It then reads the password box & Reads the level box
GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $WinMain) ; This turns the window back on
WEnd ; Continue loop untill window is closed
EndFunc ;==>_Main
[ 本帖最后由 jiataifeng 于 2008-5-20 13:17 编辑 ] 我发现一个规律:
为什么是这样? 知道了,是编码的问题,