如何使用AU3播放MP3?隐藏播放即可,不要显示! SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav",1)下面的就是音频文件播放控制的UDF,详细例子看帮助文件
_SoundClose Closes a sound previously opened with _SoundOpen.
_SoundLength Returns the length of the soundfile.
_SoundOpen Opens a sound file for use with other _Sound functions.
_SoundPause Pause a playing sound.
_SoundPlay Play a sound file.
_SoundPos Returns the current position of the sound.
_SoundResume Resume a paused sound.
_SoundSeek Seeks the sound to the specified position
_SoundStatus Returns the status of the sound
_SoundStop Stop a playing sound. 谢谢啦!!!!! 这儿的热心人真多啊