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发表于 2008-6-10 22:11:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Class clsWindowsFirewall
        'Windows Firewall Class
        'File Name: clsWinFirewall
        'Script Version: 1.0.0
        'Last Edit: 9/5/2006
        'Developer: Dx21, LLC
        Private NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_UDP
        Private NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCP
        Private NET_FW_SCOPE_ALL
        Private NET_FW_IP_VERSION_ANY
        Private UPNP_FRAMEWORK
        Private REMOTE_DESKTOP
        Private CURRENT_PROFILE
        Private STANDARD_PROFILE
        Private Sub Class_Initialize()
                NET_FW_PROFILE_DOMAIN = 0
                NET_FW_PROFILE_STANDARD = 1
                NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_UDP = 17
                NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCP = 6
                NET_FW_SCOPE_ALL = 0
                NET_FW_SCOPE_LOCAL_SUBNET = 1
                NET_FW_IP_VERSION_ANY = 2
                FILE_AND_PRINT_SHARING = 0
                UPNP_FRAMEWORK = 1
                REMOTE_DESKTOP = 2
                CURRENT_PROFILE = 0
                STANDARD_PROFILE = 1
        End Sub
        '---PRIVATE FUNCTIONS---------------------------------------------------------
        Private Function ConnectToProfile(ByRef objP, bStandardProfile)
                On Error Resume Next
                Dim fwMgr:        Set fwMgr = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr")
                If fwMgr Is Nothing Then
                        ConnectToProfile = False
                        Exit Function
                End If
                If bStandardProfile Then
                        Dim objPolicy:        Set objPolicy = fwMgr.LocalPolicy
                        Set objP = objPolicy.GetProfileByType(1)
                        Set objP = fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile
                End If
                ConnectToProfile = (Err.Number = 0)
                Set fwMgr = Nothing
                Set objPolicy = Nothing
        End Function
        Private Function SetService(intService, bEnabled)
                'Enables or Disables the File and Printer Sharing thru Firewall
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                'RETURNS: Boolean
                Dim objProfile, colServices, objService
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        SetService = False
                        Exit Function
                End If
                Set colServices = objProfile.Services
                Set objService = colServices.Item(intService)
                objService.Enabled = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set colServices = Nothing
                Set objService = Nothing
        End Function
        Private Function GetService(intService)
                'Enables or Disables the File and Printer Sharing thru Firewall
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                'RETURNS: Boolean
                Dim objProfile, colServices, objService
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        GetService = False
                        Exit Function
                End If
                Set colServices = objProfile.Services
                Set objService = colServices.Item(intService)
                GetService = objService.Enabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set colServices = Nothing
                Set objService = Nothing
        End Function
        '---PUBLIC PROPERTIES---------------------------------------------------------
        ' General Firewall
        Property Let FirewallEnabled(bEnabled)
                'Enables or Disables the Firewall
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                objProfile.FirewallEnabled = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get FirewallEnabled()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        FirewallEnabled = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                FirewallEnabled = objProfile.FirewallEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let FileAndPrinterSharing(bEnabled)
                'Enables or Disables the File and Printer Sharing thru Firewall
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                SetService FILE_AND_PRINT_SHARING, bEnabled
        End Property
        Property Get FileAndPrinterSharing()
                FileAndPrinterSharing = GetService(FILE_AND_PRINT_SHARING)
        End Property
        Property Let UPnPFramework(bEnabled)
                'Enables or Disables UPnP Framework
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                SetService UPNP_FRAMEWORK, bEnabled
        End Property
        Property Get UPnPFramework()
                UPnPFramework = GetService(UPNP_FRAMEWORK)
        End Property
        Property Let RemoteDesktop(bEnabled)
                'Enables or Disables Remote Desktop
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                SetService REMOTE_DESKTOP, bEnabled
        End Property
        Property Get RemoteDesktop()
                RemoteDesktop = GetService(REMOTE_DESKTOP)
        End Property
        Property Let ExceptionsNotAllowed(bEnabled)
                'Enables or Disables Exceptions
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                objProfile.ExceptionsNotAllowed = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get ExceptionsNotAllowed()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        ExceptionsNotAllowed = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                ExceptionsNotAllowed = objProfile.ExceptionsNotAllowed
                Set objProfile = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let NotificationsDisabled(bEnabled)
                'Enables or Disables Notifications
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                objProfile.NotificationsDisabled = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get NotificationsDisabled()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        NotificationsDisabled = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                NotificationsDisabled = objProfile.NotificationsDisabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get CurrentProfileType()
                Dim fwMgr:        Set fwMgr = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr")
                If fwMgr Is Nothing Then
                        CurrentProfileType = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                CurrentProfileType = fwMgr.CurrentProfileType
                '0 for Current Profile
                '1 for Standard Profile
                Set fwMgr = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let UnicastResponsestoMulticastBroadcastDisabled(bEnabled)
                'Enables or Disables the Unicast....
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                objProfile.UnicastResponsestoMulticastBroadcastDisabled = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get UnicastResponsestoMulticastBroadcastDisabled()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        UnicastResponsestoMulticastBroadcastDisabled = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                UnicastResponsestoMulticastBroadcastDisabled = objProfile.UnicastResponsestoMulticastBroadcastDisabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let ICMP_AllowInboundEchoRequest(bEnabled)
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                objICMPSettings.AllowInboundEchoRequest = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get ICMP_AllowInboundEchoRequest()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        ICMP_AllowInboundEchoRequest = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                ICMP_AllowInboundEchoRequest = objICMPSettings.AllowInboundEchoRequest
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let ICMP_AllowInboundMaskRequest(bEnabled)
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                objICMPSettings.AllowInboundMaskRequest = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get ICMP_AllowInboundMaskRequest()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        ICMP_AllowInboundMaskRequest = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                ICMP_AllowInboundMaskRequest = objICMPSettings.AllowInboundMaskRequest
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let ICMP_AllowInboundRouterRequest(bEnabled)
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                objICMPSettings.AllowInboundRouterRequest = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get ICMP_AllowInboundRouterRequest()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        ICMP_AllowInboundRouterRequest = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                ICMP_AllowInboundRouterRequest = objICMPSettings.AllowInboundRouterRequest
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let ICMP_AllowInboundTimestampRequest(bEnabled)
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                objICMPSettings.AllowInboundTimestampRequest = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get ICMP_AllowInboundTimestampRequest()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        ICMP_AllowInboundTimestampRequest = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                ICMP_AllowInboundTimestampRequest = objICMPSettings.AllowInboundTimestampRequest
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property       
        Property Let ICMP_AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable(bEnabled)
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                objICMPSettings.AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get ICMP_AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        ICMP_AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                ICMP_AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable = objICMPSettings.AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let ICMP_AllowOutboundPacketTooBig(bEnabled)
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                objICMPSettings.AllowOutboundPacketTooBig = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get ICMP_AllowOutboundPacketTooBig()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        ICMP_AllowOutboundPacketTooBig = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                ICMP_AllowOutboundPacketTooBig = objICMPSettings.AllowOutboundPacketTooBig
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let ICMP_AllowOutboundParameterProblem(bEnabled)
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                objICMPSettings.AllowOutboundParameterProblem = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get ICMP_AllowOutboundParameterProblem()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        ICMP_AllowOutboundParameterProblem = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                ICMP_AllowOutboundParameterProblem = objICMPSettings.AllowOutboundParameterProblem
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let ICMP_AllowOutboundSourceQuench(bEnabled)
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                objICMPSettings.AllowOutboundSourceQuench = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get ICMP_AllowOutboundSourceQuench()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        ICMP_AllowOutboundSourceQuench = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                ICMP_AllowOutboundSourceQuench = objICMPSettings.AllowOutboundSourceQuench
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let ICMP_AllowOutboundTimeExceeded(bEnabled)
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property

                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                objICMPSettings.AllowOutboundTimeExceeded = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get ICMP_AllowOutboundTimeExceeded()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        ICMP_AllowOutboundTimeExceeded = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                ICMP_AllowOutboundTimeExceeded = objICMPSettings.AllowOutboundTimeExceeded
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let ICMP_AllowRedirect(bEnabled)
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                objICMPSettings.AllowRedirect = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get ICMP_AllowRedirect()
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        ICMP_AllowRedirect = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim objICMPSettings: Set objICMPSettings = objProfile.ICMPSettings
                ICMP_AllowRedirect = objICMPSettings.AllowRedirect
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objICMPSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        'Remote Administration
        Property Let RemoteAdministration_Enabled(bEnabled)
                'Enables or Disables the Remote Administration
                'bEnabled                        (Boolean) T/F for setting state
                Dim objProfile, objAdminSettings
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Set objAdminSettings = objProfile.RemoteAdminSettings
                objAdminSettings.Enabled = bEnabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objAdminSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get RemoteAdministration_Enabled()
                Dim objProfile, objAdminSettings
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        RemoteAdministration_Enabled = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Set objAdminSettings = objProfile.RemoteAdminSettings
                RemoteAdministration_Enabled = objAdminSettings.Enabled
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objAdminSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let RemoteAdministration_RemoteAddresses(strAddress)
                'strAddress                (String) IP Address/Submet Mask
                Dim objRE:        Set objRE = New RegExp
                objRE.Global = True
                objRE.IgnoreCase = True
                objRE.Pattern = "((\b\d?\d?\d\.){3,3}\d?\d?\d|\*)"
                If objRE.Test(strAddress) = False Then Exit Property
                Dim objProfile, objAdminSettings
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Set objAdminSettings = objProfile.RemoteAdminSettings
                objAdminSettings.RemoteAddresses = strAddress
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objAdminSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get RemoteAdministration_RemoteAddresses()
                Dim objProfile, objAdminSettings
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        RemoteAdministration_RemoteAddresses = vbNullString
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Set objAdminSettings = objProfile.RemoteAdminSettings
                RemoteAdministration_RemoteAddresses = objAdminSettings.RemoteAddresses
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objAdminSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Let RemoteAdministration_Scope(intScope)
                'intScope                (Integer) Scope (0 or 1)
                If intScope <> CURRENT_PROFILE And intScope <> STANDARD_PROFILE Then Exit Property
                Dim objProfile, objAdminSettings
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then Exit Property
                Set objAdminSettings = objProfile.RemoteAdminSettings
                objAdminSettings.Scope = intScope
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objAdminSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get RemoteAdministration_Scope()
                Dim objProfile, objAdminSettings
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        RemoteAdministration_Scope = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Set objAdminSettings = objProfile.RemoteAdminSettings
                RemoteAdministration_Scope = objAdminSettings.Scope
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objAdminSettings = Nothing
        End Property
        Property Get RemoteAdministration_IPVersion()
                Dim objProfile, objAdminSettings
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile, False) = False Then
                        RemoteAdministration_IPVersion = False
                        Exit Property
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Set objAdminSettings = objProfile.RemoteAdminSettings
                RemoteAdministration_IPVersion = objAdminSettings.IPVersion
                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objAdminSettings = Nothing
        End Property       
        '---PUBLIC FUNCTIONS---------------------------------------------------------
        Public Function AddAuthorizedApplication(strEXE, strAPPName, bStandardProfile)
                'Adds an authorized application to the Windows Firewall
                'strEXE                                (String) The full path and name of the application to add (must exist)
                'strAPPName                        (String) The title of the application (for display)
                'bStandardProfile        (Boolean) T/F for adding application to the standard or current profile
                'RETURNS: Boolean
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile,bStandardProfile) = False Then
                        AddAuthorizedApplication = False
                        Exit Function
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim objApp:                Set objApp = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwAuthorizedApplication")
                If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                        AddAuthorizedApplication = False
                        Exit Function
                End If       
                objApp.ProcessImageFileName = strEXE
                objApp.Name = strAPPName
                objApp.Scope = NET_FW_SCOPE_ALL
                objApp.IpVersion = NET_FW_IP_VERSION_ANY
                objApp.RemoteAddresses = "*"
                objApp.Enabled = True
                objProfile.AuthorizedApplications.Add objApp
                AddAuthorizedApplication = (Err.Number = 0)

                Set objProfile = Nothing
                Set objApp = Nothing
        End Function
        Public Function RemoveAuthorizedApplication(strEXE, bStandardProfile)       
                'Removes an authorized application to the Windows Firewall
                'strEXE                                (String) The full path and name of the application to add (must exist)
                'bStandardProfile        (Boolean) T/F for removing application from the standard or current profile
                'RETURNS: Boolean
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile,bStandardProfile) = False Then
                        RemoveAuthorizedApplication = False
                        Exit Function
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                RemoveAuthorizedApplication = (Err.Number = 0)
                Set objProfile = Nothing
        End Function
        Public Function AddPort(strName, intPort, intIPType, bStandardProfile)
                'Adds an authorized port to the Windows Firewall
                'strName                        (String) Display Name for the Port
                'intPort                        (Integer) Port Number
                'intIPType                        (Integer) UDP or TCP via Constant
                'bStandardProfile        (Boolean) T/F for adding port to the standard or current profile
                'RETURNS: Boolean
                Dim objProfile, objPort
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile,bStandardProfile) = False Then
                        AddPort = False
                        Exit Function
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Set objPort = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwOpenPort")
                If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                        AddPort = False
                        Exit Function
                End If
                objPort.Name = strName
                objPort.Protocol = intIPType
                objPort.port = intPort
                objPort.Scope = NET_FW_SCOPE_ALL
                objPort.Enabled = True
                objProfile.GloballyOpenPorts.Add objPort
                AddPort = (Err.Number = 0)
                Set objPort = Nothing
                Set objProfile = Nothing
        End Function

        Public Function RemovePort(intPort, intIPType, bStandardProfile)
                'Removes an authorized port to the Windows Firewall
                'intPort                        (Integer) Port Number
                'intIPType                        (Integer) UDP or TCP via Constant
                'bStandardProfile        (Boolean) T/F for removing port from the standard or current profile
                'RETURNS: Boolean
                Dim objProfile
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile,bStandardProfile) = False Then
                        RemovePort = False
                        Exit Function
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                objProfile.GloballyOpenPorts.Remove intPort, intIPType
                RemovePort = (Err.Number = 0)
                Set objProfile = Nothing
        End Function
        Public Function GetAuthorizedApplicationList(bStandardProfile)
                'Provides List of Authorized Applications
                'bStandardProfile        (Boolean) T/F for removing port from the standard or current profile
                'RETURNS: Array
                Dim objProfile, colApplications, objApplication
                Dim aryAppList(), Index
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile,bStandardProfile) = False Then
                        GetAuthorizedApplicationList = vbNullString
                        Exit Function
                End If
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Set colApplications = objProfile.AuthorizedApplications
                If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                        GetAuthorizedApplicationList = vbNullString
                        Exit Function
                End If
                ReDim aryAppList(colApplications.Count,6)
                Index = 0
                For Each objApplication In colApplications
                        aryAppList(Index,0) = objApplication.Name
                    aryAppList(Index,1) = objApplication.Enabled
                    aryAppList(Index,2) = objApplication.IPVersion
                    aryAppList(Index,3) = objApplication.ProcessImageFileName
                    aryAppList(Index,4) = objApplication.RemoteAddresses
                    aryAppList(Index,5) = objApplication.Scope
                    Index = Index + 1
                GetAuthorizedApplicationList = aryAppList
                Erase aryAppList
        End Function

        Public Function GetGloballyOpenPorts(bStandardProfile)
                'Provides List of Globally Open Ports
                'bStandardProfile        (Boolean) T/F for removing port from the standard or current profile
                'RETURNS: ArraySet
                Dim objProfile, colPorts, objPort
                Dim aryPortList(), Index
                If ConnectToProfile(objProfile,bStandardProfile) = False Then
                        GetGloballyOpenPorts = vbNullString
                        Exit Function
                End If

                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Set colPorts = objProfile.GloballyOpenPorts
                If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                        GetGloballyOpenPorts = vbNullString
                        Exit Function
                End If
                ReDim aryPortList(colPorts.Count,8)
                Index = 0
                For Each objPort In colPorts
                        aryPortList(Index,0) = objPort.Name
                    aryPortList(Index,1) = objPort.Port
                    aryPortList(Index,2) = objPort.IPVersion
                    aryPortList(Index,3) = objPort.Protocol
                    aryPortList(Index,4) = objPort.Scope
                    aryPortList(Index,5) = objPort.RemoteAddresses
                    aryPortList(Index,6) = objPort.Enabled
                    aryPortList(Index,7) = objPort.Builtin
                    Index = Index + 1
                GetGloballyOpenPorts = aryPortList
                Erase aryPortList
        End Function

        Public Function RestoreDefaults()
                On Error Resume Next:        Err.Clear
                Dim fwMgr:        Set fwMgr = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr")
                If fwMgr Is Nothing Then
                        RestoreDefaults = False
                        Exit Function
                        RestoreDefaults = (Err.Number = 0)
                End If
                Set fwMgr = Nothing
        End Function


[ 本帖最后由 netegg 于 2008-6-13 12:28 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-6-11 01:12:46 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-11 01:46:58 | 显示全部楼层
$objFirewall = objCreate("HNetCfg.FwMgr")
$objPolicy = $objFirewall.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile

$objPolicy.FirewallEnabled = FALSE

; Enabling Remote Admin Port TCP 135
$objAdminSettings = $objPolicy.RemoteAdminSettings
$objAdminSettings.Enabled = TRUE

;Enable Port
Dim $objPort

$objPort = ObjCreate("HNetCfg.FwOpenPort")

$objPort.Name = "DCOM"
$objPort.Port = 888
$objPort.Protocol = "NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCP"
$objPort.Enabled = True

$objProfile.GloballyOpenPorts.Add ($objPort)
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