本帖最后由 chishingchan 于 2021-5-19 14:18 编辑
今天,使用固定的下载网址 https://www.autoitscript.com/aut ... d/SciTE4AutoIt3.exe
发现里面的 Tidy.exe 在 XP 系统下运行出错了!(不支持XP了)
我手头上有 19.102.1901.0 版本。
查看更新历史:https://www.autoitscript.com/aut ... utoIt3/History.html
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v21.316.1639.0.0 (Jos)
- v21.316.1639.1 Fixed: running the "#autoIt3Wrapper_run_after" defined programs twice in some occasions. (23/03/2021)
*** Updated Tidy v21.316.1639.0.0 (Jos)
- v21.316.1639.1 Fixed: hardcrash reading the new au3.api definition. (23/03/2021)
*** Merged the SciTE v 4.4.6 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos)
- Change the workdir to the programdir to avoid locking up the last opened scriptfile directory.
- Fixed Bom checking bug resulting to garbage characters in the editor for UTF encoded file other than UTF8
- Dropped support for WinXP (Compiled with vc15, Win sdk 8.1, Toolset v141)
- Compiled with vc15 and changed SSE instruction set to ia86 compatible.
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v21.316.1639.0.0 (Jos)
- 19.1127.1402.1 added clear errors when Tidy is ran with Ctrl+T.
- 19.1127.1402.2 Avoid running Tidy for a second time when script needs to be run with #RequireAdmin in elevated mode.
- 19.1127.1402.5 Added work-around to support Unicode characters in filenames for:
- au3check
- Tidy
- au3stripper
- 19.1127.1402.6 Added Win10 build to info lines. (tnx argumentum)
- 19.1127.1402.7 Fix for support of filenames containing special ascii characters too.
- 19.1127.1402.8 Restored some DIrectives still used for versioning and fileversion.
- 19.1127.1402.8 Fix for support of filenames containing special ascii characters too.
- 19.1127.1402.9 Fix checking for "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Version"check till after the GUI is done.
- 19.1127.1402.10 Fixed Versionupdate with /RunAfter option I use for AutoIt3Wrapper updates.
- 19.1127.1402.11 Fixed issue with #include statements where the filename is enclosed in single quotes.
- 19.1127.1402.13 Updated File prompt.
- 19.1127.1402.18 added include filelist and their encoding when /debug is supplied
- 19.1127.1402.19 Cosmetic update showing the ">Setting Program ExecutionLevel Manifest information to...." only when the directive is provided
- 19.1127.1402.20 Fix for elevated scripts running from mapped drive
- 19.1127.1402.21 again Fix for support of filenames containing special ascii characters.
- 19.1127.1402.22 Fix invalid FileExist statement on line 550.
- 19.1127.1402.26 Added #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_Use_Template
- 19.1127.1402.27 Changed Func ShowStdOutErr to only capture total STDOUT/ERR when required, Avoiding unnecessary memory consumption
- 19.1127.1402.28 Fixed regression creating duplicate resource entries.
*** Updated Au3Stripper v21.316.1639.0.0 (Jos)
- 19.1127.1402.1 Option /rsln: Added replace for @ScriptLinenumber for #includes to contain source files and original linenumber.
- Changed replace for @ScriptLinenumber to only replace none literal string occurrences.
- 19.1127.1402.3 Changed replace for @ScriptLinenumber to only replace when not on FUNC line.
- 19.1127.1402.5 Added directive "#Au3Stripper_Ignore_Errors_in_Func=", which will suppress any errors triggered within the defined Functions.
- 19.1127.1402.7 Fix for Func names in FUNC parameters to avoid stripping the target function.
*** Updated SciTEConfig v21.316.1639.0.0 (Jos)
- 19.1127.1402.1
- Fix bug in AbbrevMan.au3 when pipe symbol is used to set cursor position. (Melba23
*** Updated Tidy v21.316.1639.0.0 (Jos)
- v19.1127.1402.2 fixed some issues in the /gendoc option:
- func reference lines weren't listed
- only show variables starting with $ or @
- v19.1127.1402.5 Default Tabsize to SciTE-TabSize when not provided.
- v19.1127.1402.6 Made the backp sequencenumber 2 digits. old filenames will be converted.
- v19.1127.1402.10 Reversed the 2 digit sequencenumber as this will fail when there are more than 99 backup versions.
*** Updated Abbreviations (mLipok)
- Updated au3abbrev.properties and helpfile page.
*** Merged the SciTE v 4.2.0 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos)
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v19.1127.1402.0 (Jos)
- 19.102.1901.1 added encoding retrieval for UTF8/ANSI files so they are properly written back
- 19.102.1901.2 Exit script with 999 when update resource copy failed .
- 19.102.1901.3 Fix incrementing version number now before running au3stripper to ensure it contains the new version when increment before is requested.
- 19.102.1901.4 increment version before au3stripper when increment before is Y
- 19.102.1901.5 also update fileversion info in case of a3x compile when requested.
- 19.102.1901.7 change au3check and tidy stop on error logic to allow for other editor programs.
- 19.102.1901.8-11 Changes to allow the program to be run by other editors.
- 19.102.1901.12 Updates Stop and Restartconsole message to indicate in case the HotKeys aren't set in case of second instance
HotKeys are ony set when the Editor program has the focus to allow for multiple instances.
- 19.102.1901.13 Updated _RefreshSystemTray, which wasn't working anymore since a long time
- 19.102.1901.14 Added WinClose for the Shelled Script to nicely close that process before ultimately killing it when still needed.
*** Updated Au3Stripper v19.1127.1402.0 (Jos)
- 19.102.1901.2 Fixed not removing #pragma lines from Included files.
- 19.102.1901.5 Fixed ternary stripping issue
*** Updated SciTEConfig v19.1127.1402.0 (Jos)
- 19.524.1057.1 Fixed creation of includes.txt in userdir and added some extra logging for adding includes to includes.txt
*** Updated Tidy v19.1127.1402.0 (Jos)
- 19.524.1057.1: Fix tidy issue adding space after closing > on #include statement.