#include <Thread.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
$hDll = DllOpen("iphlpapi.dll")
Const $pSendARP = _RTGetProcAddress("Iphlpapi.dll", "SendARP")
Const $pinet_addr = _RTGetProcAddress("Ws2_32.dll", "inet_addr")
Const $tagSEND_ARP = "char IpAddress[16];ubyte MacAddress[8];dword AddrLen;dword Error"
$pStartAddr = _RTVirtualAlloc(512)
$bCode = "0x" & _
"55" & _ ; push ebp
"8BEC" & _ ; mov ebp, esp
"FF7508" & _ ; push dword ptr [ebp+8]
"B8" & _RTLongPtrToBytes($pinet_addr) & _ ; mov eax, Ws2_32.inet_addr
"FFD0" & _ ; call eax
"8B5D08" & _ ; mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp+8]
"53" & _ ; push ebx
"8D7B18" & _ ; lea edi, dword ptr [ebx+18]
"C70708000000" & _ ; mov dword ptr [edi], 8
"57" & _ ; push edi
"8D7B10" & _ ; lea edi, dword ptr [ebx+10]
"57" & _ ; push edi
"6A00" & _ ; push 0
"50" & _ ; push eax
"B8" & _RTLongPtrToBytes($pSendARP) & _ ; mov eax, Iphlpapi.SendARP
"FFD0" & _ ; call eax
"5B" & _ ; pop ebx
"89431C" & _ ; mov dword ptr [ebx+1c], eax
"5D" & _ ; pop ebp
"C20400" ; ret 4
_RTInject($pStartAddr, $bCode)
Local $aBuffer[256], $iUBound = UBound($aBuffer)
Local $aThread[$iUBound], $aResult[$iUBound][3], $iTimer = TimerInit()
For $i = 0 To UBound($aBuffer) - 1
$aBuffer[$i] = DllStructCreate($tagSEND_ARP)
DllStructSetData($aBuffer[$i], "IpAddress", "192.168.0." & $i)
$aThread[$i] = _RTCreateThread($pStartAddr, DllStructGetPtr($aBuffer[$i]))
For $i = 0 To UBound($aBuffer) - 1
$aResult[$i][0] = DllStructGetData($aBuffer[$i], "IpAddress")
$aResult[$i][1] = DllStructGetData($aBuffer[$i], "MacAddress")
$aResult[$i][2] = DllStructGetData($aBuffer[$i], "Error")
$aBuffer[$i] = 0
_Arraydisplay($aResult, TimerDiff($iTimer))