#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=N ; must run as x86 for printing functionality
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=Version 1.1.0
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Notepad written in AutoIt
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
;------Author: MikahS--------------------------------------
#include <WinAPIDlg.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <GUIEdit.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <WinAPIDlg.au3>
#include <WinAPIFiles.au3>
#include <APIDlgConstants.au3>
#include <printMGv2.au3> ; printing support from martin's print UDF
Local $pWnd, $msg, $control, $fNew, $fOpen, _
$fSave, $fSaveAs, $fontBox, _
$fPrint, $fExit, $pEditWindow, _
$eUndo, $pActiveW, $WWcounter = 0, _
$eCut, $eCopy, $ePaste, _
$eDelete, $eFind, $eReplace, _
$eSA, $oIndex = 0, _
$eTD, $saveCounter = 0, $fe, $fs, _
$fn[20], $fo, $fw, _
$forWW, $forFont, $vStatus, $hVHelp, _
$hAA, $selBuffer, $strB, $fnArray, _
$fnCount = 0, $selBufferEx, _
$fullStrRepl, $strFnd, $strEnd, _
$strLen, $forStrRepl, $hp, _
$mmssgg, $openBuff, $eTab, _
$eWC, $eLC, $lCount, $eSU, _
$eSL, $lpRead, $sUpper, _
; child gui vars
Local $abChild, $fCount = 0, $sFontName, _
$iFontSize, $iColorRef, $iFontWeight, _
$bItalic, $bUnderline, $bStrikethru, _
AdlibRegister("chkSel", 1000) ; check if there has been any user selections
AdlibRegister("chkTxt", 1000) ; check if ther has been any user input
HotKeySet("{F5}", "timeDate") ; if the user hits the F5 key, then run the timeDate function
HotKeySet("{F2}", "Help") ; if the user hits the F2 key, then run the Help function
GUI() ; create the window
If Not @Compiled Then GUISetIcon(@ScriptDir & '\aupad.ico') ; if the script isn't compiled then set the icon
GUICtrlSetFont($pEditWindow, 10, Default, Default, "Arial") ; set the default font
Local $aAccelKeys[10][10] = [["{TAB}", $eTab], ["^s", $fSave], ["^o", $fOpen], _
["^a", $eSA], ["^f", $eFind], ["^h", $eReplace], _
["^p", $fPrint], ["^n", $fNew], ["^w", $eWC], _
["^l", $eLC]]
GUISetAccelerators($aAccelKeys, $pWnd) ; set the accelerator keys
GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DROPFILES, "WM_DROPFILES") ; register GUI msg for drop files
While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg(1) ; make a 2D array for GUI events
Switch $msg[1] ; check the events
Case $pWnd ; check the parent window
Switch $msg[0] ; if the msg is in the 1D array
Case $fNew
setNew() ; if new is selected run setNew function
Quit() ; if the exit event is sent call the quit function
Case $fExit
Quit() ; if exit option selected in file menu then call the quit function
Case $eUndo
_GUICtrlEdit_Undo($pEditWindow) ; undo the last action in the edit window
Case $eCopy
Copy() ; call the Copy function when the copy option is selected
Case $ePaste
Paste() ; call the Paste function when the paste option is selected
Case $eTD
timeDate() ; call the timeDate function when the time/date option is selected
Case $eFind
$fCount = 0 ; reset the find counter
Find() ; call the find function when the find option is selected
Case $eReplace
$fCount = 1 ; increment the find counter
Find() ; call the find function when the replace option is selected
Case $eTab
Tab() ; call the find function when the tab menu option is selected
Case $eWC
wordCount() ; call the wordCount function when the word count menu option is selected
Case $eLC
$lCount = _GUICtrlEdit_GetLineCount($pEditWindow) ; get the line count from the edit control
MsgBox(0, "Line Count", $lCount) ; tell us
Case $eSU
$lpRead = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; read the edit control
$sUpper = StringUpper($lpRead) ; make the entire text uppercase
GUICtrlSetData($pEditWindow, $sUpper) ; set the string
Case $eSL
$lpRead = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; read the edit control
$sLower = StringLower($lpRead) ; make the entire text lowercase
GUICtrlSetData($pEditWindow, $sLower) ; set the string
Case $fSave
Save() ; call the save function when the save menu option is selected
Case $fSaveAs
$saveCounter = 0 ; reset the counter if it is not already 0
Save() ; call the save function when the save as menu option is selected and the counter has been reset
Case $fOpen
Open() ; call the open function when the open menu option is selected
Case $eDelete
_GUICtrlEdit_ReplaceSel($pEditWindow, "") ; whatever is selected delete it when this menu option is selected
Case $fPrint
Print() ; call the print function when the print menu option is selected
Case $forWW
If $WWcounter = 1 Then ; if the counter is at 1
GUICtrlSetState($forWW, $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; set the state of the menu item to be unchecked
setWW($WWcounter) ; call the setWW function passing it the $WWcounter
$WWcounter -= 1 ; increment the counter
GUICtrlSetState($forWW, $GUI_CHECKED) ; set the state of the menu item to be checked
setWW($WWcounter) ; call the setWW function passing it the $WWcounter
$WWcounter += 1 ; increment the counter
Case $eSA
_GUICtrlEdit_SetSel($pEditWindow, 0, -1) ; call the setSel edit function if the user selects the select all option
Case $hAA
aChild() ; call the about aupad child window if the menu option has been selected
Case $forFont
fontGUI() ; if we select the font menu option call the fontGUI function
Case $hVHelp
Help() ; if we selected the help menu option call the help function
Case $abChild
Switch $msg[0]
GUIDelete($abChild) ; if the exit event is sent call the GUIDelete Function
Sleep(10) ; added as the functions running every second are causing the window to twitch
; functions
Func GUI()
Local $FileM, $EditM, $FormatM, $ViewM, _
$pWnd = GUICreate("AuPad", 600, 500, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW), $WS_EX_COMPOSITED + $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES) ; created window with min, max, resizing, and ability to accept files
$pEditWindow = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 0, 600, 495) ; creates the main text window for typing text
$FileM = GUICtrlCreateMenu("File") ; create the first level file menu item
$fNew = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("New" & @TAB & "Ctrl + N", $FileM, 0) ; create second level menu item new ^ file
$fOpen = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open..." & @TAB & "Ctrl + O", $FileM, 1) ; create second level menu item open ^ file
$fSave = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save" & @TAB & "Ctrl + S", $FileM, 2) ; create second level menu item save ^ file
$fSaveAs = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save As...", $FileM, 3) ; create second level menu item save as ^ file
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $FileM, 4) ; create line
$fPrint = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Print..." & @TAB & "Ctrl + P", $FileM, 5) ; create second level menu item print ^ file
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $FileM, 6) ; create line
$fExit = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit", $FileM, 7) ; create second level menu item exit ^ file
$EditM = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Edit") ; create the first level edit menu item
$eUndo = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Undo" & @TAB & "Ctrl + Z", $EditM, 0) ; create the second level undo menu item
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $EditM, 1) ; create line
$eCut = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Cut" & @TAB & "Ctrl + X", $EditM, 2) ; create the second level cut menu item
$eCopy = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Copy" & @TAB & "Ctrl + C", $EditM, 3) ; create the second level copy menu item
$ePaste = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Paste" & @TAB & "Ctrl + V", $EditM, 4) ; create the second level paste menu item
$eDelete = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Delete" & @TAB & "Del", $EditM, 5) ; create the second level delete menu item
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $EditM, 6) ; create line
$eFind = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Find..." & @TAB & "Ctrl + F", $EditM, 7) ; create the second level find menu item
$eReplace = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Replace..." & @TAB & "Ctrl + H", $EditM, 9) ; create the second level replace menu item
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $EditM, 10) ; create line
$eTab = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Tab" & @TAB & "Tab", $EditM, 11) ; create the tab second level menu item
$eSA = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Select All..." & @TAB & "Ctrl + A", $EditM, 12) ; create the second level select all menu item
$eTD = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Time/Date" & @TAB & "F5", $EditM, 13) ; create the second level time/date menu item
$eWC = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Word Count" & @TAB & "Ctrl + W", $EditM, 14) ; create the second level word count menu item
$eLC = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Line Count" & @TAB & "Ctrl + L", $EditM, 15) ; create the second level line count menu item
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $EditM, 16) ; create line
$eSU = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Uppercase Text", $EditM, 17) ; create the second level uppercase text menu item
$eSL = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Lowercase Text", $EditM, 18) ; create the second level lowercase text menu item
$FormatM = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Format") ; create the first level format menu item
$forWW = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Word Wrap", $FormatM, 0) ; create the second level Word Wrap menu item
$forFont = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Font...", $FormatM, 1) ; create the second level font menu item
$ViewM = GUICtrlCreateMenu("View") ; create the first level view menu item
$vStatus = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Status Bar", $ViewM, 0) ; create the second level status bar menu item
GUICtrlSetState($vStatus, 128) ; set the status bar option to be greyed out by default
$HelpM = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Help") ; create the first level help menu item
$hVHelp = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("View Help" & @TAB & "F2", $HelpM, 0) ; create the second level view help menu item
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $HelpM, 1) ; create line
$hAA = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About AuPad", $HelpM, 2) ; create the second level about aupad menu item
setNew() ; set the window to have a new file
GUISetState() ; show the window
EndFunc ;==>GUI
Func setNew()
Local $titleNow, $title, $readWinO, $spltTitle, $mBox
$readWinO = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; get the current text in the edit control
If $readWinO <> "" Then ; if there is something in the window, and it is called Untitled
$titleNow = WinGetTitle($pWnd) ; get the current text of the title of the window
$spltTitle = StringSplit($titleNow, " - ") ; cut it into two pieces
$mBox = MsgBox(4, "AuPad", "there has been changes to " & $spltTitle[1] & ", would you like to save?") ; ask us
If $mBox = 6 Then ; if we said yes
$saveCounter = 0 ; reset the save counter
Save() ; call the save function
_GUICtrlEdit_SetText($pEditWindow, "") ; reset the text in the edit control
$title = WinSetTitle($pWnd, $titleNow, "Untitled - AuPad") ; set the title to untitled since this is a new file
If $title = "" Then MsgBox(0, "error", "Could not set window title...", 10) ; if the title equals nothing tell us
EndFunc ;==>setNew
Func aChild()
Local $authLabel, $nameLabel
$abChild = GUICreate("About AuPad", 150, 150) ; create the window
$authLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Author:", 55, 25) ; set the author label
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600) ; set the font
$nameLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("MikahS", 58, 45) ; set name
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 500) ; set the font
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Just a simple notepad program", 10, 80) ; set the label description 1
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 7, 500) ; set the font
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Made completely with AutoIt", 15, 100) ; set the label description 2
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 7, 500) ; set the font
GUISetState() ; show the window
EndFunc ;==>aChild
Func setWW($check)
Local $rw
If $check = 0 Then ; if we turned word wrap on
$rw = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; get the data in the window
GUICtrlDelete($pEditWindow) ; delete the edit control
$pEditWindow = GUICtrlCreateEdit($rw, 0, 0, 600, 495, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN, $WS_VSCROLL)) ; create the edit with the word wrap ability
If Not IsArray($fontBox) Then ; if the font has not been set
GUICtrlSetFont($pEditWindow, 10, Default, Default, "Arial") ; set the default font
GUICtrlSetFont($pEditWindow, $iFontSize, $iFontWeight, $fontBox[1], $sFontName) ; set the current font
ControlClick($pWnd, $rw, $pEditWindow, "", 1, 595, 490) ; click the window, so that it is focused at the end of the string
$rw = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; get the data in the window
GUICtrlDelete($pEditWindow) ; delete the edit control
$pEditWindow = GUICtrlCreateEdit($rw, 0, 0, 600, 495) ; create the edit window without word wrap
If Not IsArray($fontBox) Then ; if the font has not been set
GUICtrlSetFont($pEditWindow, 10, Default, Default, "Arial") ; set the default font
GUICtrlSetFont($pEditWindow, $iFontSize, $iFontWeight, $fontBox[1], $sFontName) ; set the current font
ControlClick($pWnd, $rw, $pEditWindow, "", 1, 595, 490) ; click the window, so that it is focused at the end of the string
EndFunc ;==>setWW
Func chkSel()
Local $gs, $gc, $getState, $readWin, $strMid
$gs = _GUICtrlEdit_GetSel($pEditWindow) ; get the selected text
$gc = $gs[1] - $gs[0] ; get how many characters have been selected
If $gc > 0 Then ; if the selection is not blank
GUICtrlSetState($eDelete, 64) ; otherwise, set the state
$readWin = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; read the edit control
$strMid = StringMid($readWin, $gs[0] + 1, $gs[1] + 1) ; find the selected string
$selBuffer = $strMid ; put the string into the buffer
$getState = GUICtrlGetState($eDelete) ; get the state of the control
If $getState = 128 Then ; if it is already greyed out
Return ; get out
GUICtrlSetState($eDelete, 128) ; otherwise, set the state
EndFunc ;==>chkSel
Func chkTxt()
Local $gtext, $gstate
$gtext = _GUICtrlEdit_GetText($pEditWindow) ; get the text from the edit control
If $gtext = "" Then ; if the text in the window is nothing
$gstate = GUICtrlGetState($eFind) ; get the state of the find menu item
If $gstate = 128 Then ; if the state is already greyed
Return ; get out
GUICtrlSetState($eFind, 128) ; grey the find menu option
GUICtrlSetState($eCopy, 128) ; grey the copy menu option
GUICtrlSetState($eCut, 128) ; grey the cut menu option
GUICtrlSetState($eReplace, 128) ; grey the replace menu option
GUICtrlSetState($eFind, 64) ; un-grey the find menu option
GUICtrlSetState($eCopy, 64) ; un-grey the copy menu option
GUICtrlSetState($eCut, 64) ; un-grey the cut menu option
GUICtrlSetState($eReplace, 64) ; un-grey the replace menu option
EndFunc ;==>chkTxt
;Thanks Water - [url]http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/137364-the-number-of-words-in-the-text/?p=961616[/url]
Func wordCount()
Local $test, $count, $tS, $tR, $tSS
$text = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; get the length of the entire string
$tR = StringReplace($text, @CRLF, " ") ; replace all @CRLF
$tS = StringStripWS($tR, 7) ; strip all whitespace
$tSS = StringSplit($tS, " ", 1) ; split by whitespace
$count = $tSS[0] ; get the number of words
MsgBox(0, "Word Count", $count) ; tell us
EndFunc ;==>wordCount
; [url]http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/149659-alternate-data-streams-viewer/[/url]
; Thanks to AZJIO's My notepad program -- [url]http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/152017-my-notepad/[/url]
; Proccessing files dropped onto the GUI
Func WM_DROPFILES($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
#forceref $iMsg, $lParam
If $hWnd = $pWnd Then
$sDroppedFiles = _DragQueryFile($wParam)
If @error Or StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sDroppedFiles), "D") Then
Return 1
Return 1
Return 1
; Functions to handle dropped files
Func _DragQueryFile($hDrop, $iIndex = 0)
Local $aCall = DllCall("shell32.dll", "dword", "DragQueryFileW", _
"handle", $hDrop, _
"dword", $iIndex, _
"wstr", "", _
"dword", 32767)
If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return MsgBox(0, "", "error")
Return $aCall[3]
EndFunc ;==>_DragQueryFile
Func _DragFinish($hDrop)
DllCall("shell32.dll", "none", "DragFinish", "handle", $hDrop)
If @error Then Return MsgBox(0, "", "error in _DragFinish: " & @error)
EndFunc ;==>_DragFinish
Func _MessageBeep($iType)
DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "MessageBeep", "dword", $iType)
If @error Then Return MsgBox(0, "", "error in _MessageBeep: " & @error)
EndFunc ;==>_MessageBeep
Func _OpenFile($droppedPath)
Local $i, $iPath, $fName
$ifCharSet = FileGetEncoding($droppedPath) ; get file encoding
Local $sText = FileRead($droppedPath) ; read the file
GUICtrlSetData($pEditWindow, $sText) ; put the text in the edit control
_GUICtrlEdit_SetSel($pEditWindow, 0, 0) ; take off the selection
$iPath = StringSplit($droppedPath, "") ; split the string by ""
$i = $iPath[0] ; set the last index
$fName = StringSplit($iPath[$i], ".") ; split the string by "."
WinSetTitle($pWnd, '', $fName[1] & ' - ' & "AuPad") ; set the window title
_GUICtrlEdit_SetModify($pEditWindow, False) ; set the modify flag
EndFunc ;==>_OpenFile
Func Print()
Local $selected, $printDLL = "printmg.dll"
$hp = _PrintDLLStart($mmssgg, $printDLL) ; open the print dll
If $hp = 0 Then ; if we couldn't open the dll
MsgBox(0, "", "Error from dllstart = " & $mmssgg & @CRLF) ; tell us
Return ; get out
$selected = _PrintSetPrinter($hp) ; set the printer
_PrintPageOrientation($hp, 1);portrait
_PrintSetDocTitle($hp, WinGetTitle("AuPad")) ; set the doc title
_PrintStartPrint($hp) ; start the printer
If UBound($fontBox) = 0 Then ; if $fontbox has not been made an array or there are no values
_PrintSetFont($hp, "Arial", 10, 0, "") ; set the default font
_PrintSetFont($hp, $sFontName, $iFontSize, 0, $fontBox[1]) ; set the font we have choosen
$winText = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; read the edit control
$tw = _PrintGetTextWidth($hp, $winText) ; get the width of the text
$th = _PrintGetTextHeight($hp, $winText) ; get the height of the text
_PrintText($hp, $winText, 0, _PrintGetYOffset($hp)) ; set the text to be printed
_PrintEndPrint($hp) ; end the print job
_PrintDLLClose($hp) ; close the dll
EndFunc ;==>Print
; Thanks to AZJIO for idea
Func Tab()
Local $rwin
$rwin = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; read the text in the window already
GUICtrlSetData($pEditWindow, $rwin & " ") ; add a tab into the window after the text
EndFunc ;==>Tab
Func Find()
If $fCount = 0 Then
_GUICtrlEdit_Find($pEditWindow) ; bring up the find dialog
_GUICtrlEdit_Find($pEditWindow, True) ; bring up the find and replace dialog
EndFunc ;==>Find
Func Copy()
Local $gt, $st, $ct
$gt = _GUICtrlEdit_GetSel($pEditWindow) ; get the start ($gt[0]) and end ($gt[1]) positions of the selected text
If $gt[0] = 0 And $gt[1] = 1 Then ; if there is no selected text in the edit control
Return ; get out
$st = StringMid(GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow), $gt[0] + 1, $gt[1] - $gt[0]) ; get the characters between the start and end characters from the selected text in theedit control
$ct = ClipPut($st) ; put the selected text into the clipboard
If $ct = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "error", "Could not copy selected text") ; check if it worked tell us if it didn't
EndFunc ;==>Copy
Func Paste()
Local $g, $p, $r
$g = ClipGet() ; get the string from the clipboard
If @error Then Return ; if @error is set get out
$r = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; read the edit control
$p = GUICtrlSetData($pEditWindow, $g) ; set the string into the edit control
EndFunc ;==>Paste
Func timeDate()
Local $r, $p, $h, $s
$r = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; read the window for the current text
If @HOUR >= 12 Then ; if it is after 11:59 AM
$h = @HOUR - 12 ; set it to the windows standard notepad hour notation
$s = Int($h) ; turn the string into an integer
$p = GUICtrlSetData($pEditWindow, $r & $s & ":" & @MIN & " PM " & @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR) ; set the edit control to the old string and append the new time/date string
Else ; otherwise if it is in the AM
$p = GUICtrlSetData($pEditWindow, $r & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & " AM " & @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR) ; set the edit control to the old string and append the new time/date string
EndFunc ;==>timeDate
Func fontGUI()
If UBound($fontBox) <> 0 Then ; if the array of font values has been made
$sFontName = $fontBox[2] ; set the font name
$iFontSize = $fontBox[3] ; set the font size
$iColorRef = $fontBox[5] ; set the font color
$iFontWeight = $fontBox[4] ; set the font weight
$bItalic = BitAND($fontBox[1], 2) ; set the attribute
$bUnderline = BitAND($fontBox[1], 4) ; set the attribute
$bStrikethru = BitAND($fontBox[1], 8) ; set the attribute
$fontBox = _ChooseFont($sFontName, $iFontSize, $iColorRef, $iFontWeight, $bItalic, $bUnderline, $bStrikethru) ; call _ChooseFont with specified values
$fontBox = _ChooseFont() ; call the _ChooseFont function without any params
If UBound($fontBox) = 0 Then Return ; if they closed the font box and made no selections get out
If $fontBox[1] <> 0 Then
GUICtrlSetFont($pEditWindow, $iFontSize, $iFontWeight, $fontBox[1], $sFontName) ; set the new font
GUICtrlSetFont($pEditWindow, $iFontSize, $iFontWeight, Default, $sFontName) ; if their has been no selections in the font gui
EndFunc ;==>fontGUI
Func Open()
Local $fileOpenD, $strSplit, $fileName, $fileOpen, $fileRead, _
$strinString, $stripString, $titleNow, $mBox, _
$fileOpenD = FileOpenDialog("Open File", @WorkingDir, "Text files (*.txt)|All (*.*)", BitOR(1, 2)) ; ask the user what they would like to open
$strSplit = StringSplit($fileOpenD, "") ; split the opened file path by the \ char
$oIndex = $strSplit[0] ; set the $oIndex to the last value in the split array
If $strSplit[$oIndex] = "" Then ; if there is not a value
MsgBox(0, "error", "Did not open a file") ; tell us
Return ; get out
$strinString = StringSplit($strSplit[$oIndex], ".") ; split the file name by the . char
$fileOpen = FileOpen($fileOpenD, 0) ; open the file specified
If $fileOpen = -1 Then ; if that didn't work
MsgBox(0, "error", "Could not open the file") ; tell us
Return ; get out
$fileRead = FileRead($fileOpen) ; read the open file
$openBuff = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; get the current text in the window
If $openBuff <> "" And $openBuff <> $fileRead Then ; initiaze the save dialog if their is text in the control and it does not match the file read
$titleNow = WinGetTitle($pWnd) ; get the current text of the title of the window
$spltTitle = StringSplit($titleNow, " - ") ; cut it into two pieces
$mBox = MsgBox(4, "AuPad", "there has been changes to " & $spltTitle[1] & ", would you like to save?") ; ask us
If $mBox = 6 And $spltTitle[1] = "Untitled" Then ; if we said yes and the title is untitled
$saveCounter = 0 ; reset the save counter
Save() ; call the save function
ElseIf $mBox = 6 Then ; if it is just yes
$saveCounter += 1 ; increment the save counter
Save() ; call the save function
_GUICtrlEdit_SetText($pEditWindow, "") ; reset the text in the edit control
$stripString = StringReplace($strSplit[$oIndex], "." & $strinString[2], "") ; replace the file name extension with nothing
WinSetTitle($pWnd, $openBuff, $stripString & " - AuPad") ; set the title of the window
GUICtrlSetData($pEditWindow, $fileRead, $openBuff) ; set the read data into the window
$saveCounter += 1 ; increment the save counter
$fn[$oIndex] = $fileOpenD ; set the file name save variable to the name of the opened file
FileClose($fileOpen) ; close the file
EndFunc ;==>Open
Func Save()
Local $r, $sd, $cn, $i
$r = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; read the edit control
If $saveCounter = 0 Then ; if we haven't saved before
$fs = FileSaveDialog("Save File", @WorkingDir, "Text files (*.txt)", 16, ".txt", $pWnd) ; tell us where and what to call your file
$fn = StringSplit($fs, "") ; split the saved directory and name
$i = $fn[0]
If $fn[$i] = ".txt" Or $fn[$i] = "" Then ; if the value in the filesavedialog is not valid
MsgBox(0, "error", "No name chosen exiting save function...") ; tell us
Return ; get out
$fo = FileOpen($fs, 1) ; open the file you told us to save, and if it isn't there create a new one; also overwrite the file
If $fo = -1 Then ; if it didn't work
MsgBox(0, "error", "Could not create file : " & $saveCounter) ; tell us
Return ; get out
$fw = FileWrite($fs, $r) ; write everything into the file we specified
FileClose($fn[$i]) ; then close the file we specified
$cn = StringSplit($fn[$i], ".") ; split the file name
$sd = WinSetTitle($pWnd, $r, $cn[1] & " - AuPad") ; set the title to the new file name
$saveCounter += 1 ; increment the save counter
Return ; get out
$fo = FileOpen($fn[$oIndex], 2) ; if we've already saved before, open the file and set it to overwrite current contents
If $fo = -1 Then ; if it didn't work
MsgBox(0, "error", "Could not create file") ; tell us
Return ; get out
$fw = FileWrite($fs, $r) ; write the contents of the edit into the file
FileClose($fn[$oIndex]) ; close the file we specified
EndFunc ;==>Save
Func Help()
WinActivate("Program Manager", "") ; activate the desktop
Send("{F1}") ; bring up the help menu
EndFunc ;==>Help
Func Quit()
Local $wgt, $rd, $stringis, $title, $st, $active, $mBox, _
$winTitle, $spltTitle, $fOp, $fRd
$rd = GUICtrlRead($pEditWindow) ; read the edit control
$st = StringLen($rd) ; find the length of the string read from the edit control
$wgt = WinGetTitle($pWnd, "") ; get the title of the window
$title = StringSplit($wgt, " - ") ; split the window title
If $st = 0 And $title[1] = "Untitled" Then ; if there is nothing in the window and the title is Untitled
Exit ; get out
ElseIf $title[1] <> "Untitled" Then ; if the title is not Untitled and there is data in the window
$fOp = FileOpen($fn[$oIndex]) ; open the already opened file
$fRd = FileRead($fOp) ; read the file
If $rd = $fRd Then ; if what is in the edit control is the same as the read in file
$saveCounter += 1 ; increment the save counter
Save() ; call the save function
FileClose($fOp) ; close the file
Exit ; exit the script
$winTitle = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]") ; get the full window title
$spltTitle = StringSplit($winTitle, " - ") ; cut it into two pieces
$mBox = MsgBox(4, "AuPad", "there has been changes to " & $spltTitle[1] & ", would you like to save?") ; ask us
If $mBox = 6 Then ; if we said yes
Save() ; run the save function
ElseIf $st > 0 Then ; if there is something in the window, and it is called Untitled
$winTitle = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]") ; get the full window title
$spltTitle = StringSplit($winTitle, " - ") ; cut it into two pieces
$mBox = MsgBox(4, "AuPad", "there has been changes to " & $spltTitle[1] & ", would you like to save?") ; ask us
If $mBox = 6 Then ; if we said yes
$saveCounter = 0 ; reset the save counter
Save() ; call the save function
Exit ; get out
EndFunc ;==>Quit