#Region ;**** 参数创建于 AutoIt3Wrapper ****
#EndRegion ;**** 参数创建于 AutoIt3Wrapper ****
Run("msiexec /i msxm.msi")
WinWait("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Welcome to the MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup")
If Not WinActivate("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Welcome to the MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup") Then
WinActivate("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Welcome to the MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup")
WinWaitActive("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Welcome to the MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup")
ControlClick("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "&Next >", "Button2")
WinWait("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "License Agreement")
If Not WinActivate("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "License Agreement") Then
WinActivate("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "License Agreement")
WinWaitActive("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "License Agreement")
ControlClick("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "I &accept the terms in the license agreement", "Button3")
ControlClick("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "&Next >", "Button5")
WinWait("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Registration Information")
If Not WinActivate("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Registration Information") Then
WinActivate("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Registration Information")
WinWaitActive("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Registration Information")
ControlClick("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "&Next >", "Button2")
WinWait("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Ready to Install the Program ")
If Not WinActivate("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Ready to Install the Program ") Then
WinActivate("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Ready to Install the Program ")
WinWaitActive("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "Ready to Install the Program ")
ControlClick("MSXML 6.0 Parser Setup", "&Install", "Button1") |