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[转贴] AutoIt v3.2.12.0 (16th May, 2008)

发表于 2008-5-19 11:32:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Beta了那么久,终于出正式版了。希望老大尽快出3.2.12.0正式版的中文版本,期待... (11th May, 2008) (Release Candidates)

16th May, 2008 - v3.2.12.0


Removed: Unnecessary optional parameter from ProcessClose().
Removed: RunAsSet(). (Replaced with RunAs() and RunAsWait())
Removed: RunErrorsFatal option ( Opt() ).
Removed: ColorMode option ( Opt() ).
Changed: @Unicode renamed in @AutoItUnicode. @Unicode is an alias for now. It will be removed >
Changed: The behavior of StdoutRead(), StderrRead(), StdinWrite() and ConsoleRead() has been changed.
Changed: PCRE regular expression engine updated to 7.6.
Changed: AutoIt internet functions (e.g. InetGet()) now use "AutoIt" as a user-agent. Previously using blank
which was blocked by many websites.
Changed: ControlClick() now accepts the same mouse buttons as MouseClick() - left/right/middle/primary/secondary/main/menu.
Changed: Maximum controls in a GUI window 4093 -> 65532.
Changed: @OSVersion can now return "WIN_2008" for Windows Server 2008.
Added: RunAs(), RunAsWait().
Added: GUISetAccelerators().
Added: REGEXPCLASS in Advanced Window and control definitions.
Added: X, Y, W, H in advanced window/control definitions.
Added: DllCall() new types int_ptr, uint_ptr, long_ptr, ulong_ptr. Special types that change size on x86/x64.
Added: "REG_QWORD" type for RegWrite().
Added: HotKeySet() modified to work with the {} notation.
Added: FileReadLine( ,-1) read last line.
Added: Std I/O redirection works with RunAs...().
Added: Std I/O merged flag for using the same stream for stdout/stderr.
Added: Std I/O supports binary data.
Added: ConsoleWrite()/ConsoleWriteError() now return the amount of data written.
Added: Remarks in Run() about how to close streams/release resources associated with STDIO.
Added: StdioClose() function to force STDIO data closed for a process.
Added: ProcessClose() now closes processes started by other users.
Added: ProcessWaitClose() returns exitcode in @extended.
Added: Pixel...() can specify a window handle as last parameter.
Added: "start" and "count" parameters added to StringInStr().
Added: GUICtrlSetDefColor(), GUICtrlSetDefBkColor().
Added: Added parent window parameter to MsgBox(), FileSelectFolder(), FileOpenDialog(), FileSaveDialog().
Fixed: DllCall() setting wrong @error values.
Fixed: BlockInput() returns errors.
Fixed: WinWaitActive() not matching (more frequent with Windows Vista).
Fixed: GUICtrlSetState($GUI_SHOW) on hidden radio on an active tab.
Fixed: SciTe Lite not installed in the AutoIt chosen release directory.
Fixed: WinMove() with Speed = 0 crash the script.
Fixed: Mysterious UDF return value of 1 when no explicit value was set.
Fixed: ControlCommand(), "GetLineCount".
Fixed: TraySetState(4) flashing tray icon for Windows Vista.
Fixed: ProcessExists() wrong return.
Fixed: StringRegExp() crashing under Win95.
Fixed: Handle leak when using Run() with I/O redirection.
Fixed: Disabled input control background on tab control.
Fixed: GUICtrlDelete() of a tab if two GUI windows are used.
Fixed: AutoIt crash in Random() when range exceeds 2^31.
Fixed: #include parsing error detection.
Fixed: Array entry passed Byref to a UDF.
Fixed: FileSetTime() erroneously rounds UP on non NTFS partition.
Fixed: STDIO redirection sometimes failed on Windows 9x.
Fixed: IniReadSectionNames() returning incorrect number of sections under Win9x.
Fixed: AutoIt tray icon removal on script exiting.
Fixed: AutoIt crash when removing ObjEvent() object.
Fixed: ObjEvent() handler can destroy return of AutoIt Function : as winwait("title") can return 0.
Fixed: DirMove() on different volume.
Fixed: Crash with RegRead() and REG_MULTI_SZ on x64.
Fixed: Various Edit control focus and DefPushButton issues.
Fixed: ControlTreeview() returning @error=1 on success.
Fixed: COM objects could lose numeric precision.
Fixed: StringReplace() with start float number.
Fixed: ControlCommand() "SelectString" wrong selection.
Fixed: StringSplit() flag=1 delimiters not case sensitive.
Fixed: In advanced Window descriptions only semi-colon must be escaped.
Fixed: ObjGet() memory leak.
Fixed: Modified AutoUpdateIt.au3 to work under x64.
Fixed: Resizing GUI before GUISetState().
Fixed: Radio events fired when GUI reactivated.
Fixed: GUICtrlDelete() on contextMenuItem.
Fixed: An attempt to FileDelete() a file that was just executed with RunWait() would sometimes fail.
Fixed: GUI performance problem when creating a large number of windows.
Fixed: GuiGetCursorInfo() with swapped mouse buttons.


Added: ControlTreeView().
Fixed: ControlListView() for native DLL version.

Added: Option to compile scripts as console applications.

Changed: Controls are always highlighted when using the finder tool.
Changed: Controls are not highlighted by default.
Changed: Control description gives the advanced version of class and instance.
SciTe "lite":

Updated the source to version 1.75
Added Save Dialog extension.

See the script breaking changes page.

[ 本帖最后由 sancome 于 2008-5-19 11:34 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-5-19 14:04:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-19 15:12:51 | 显示全部楼层
这是RC(Release Candidates)版,还不是最终正式版。
发表于 2008-5-19 19:57:19 | 显示全部楼层

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